
Unknown in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

BootChamp icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

BootChamp is a small utility for quickly booting into Windows.

Version 1.2
Status Unknown

0 ratings

Restart often hangs at blue screen with spinning slotted wheel.
Problem may be a bug is OS, rather than app.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Nord]NordAnonymous 24 Jul 2011 06:51

On a MBP 2010, Clicking the "Restart in Windows" in BootChamp does turn off the Mac but then reboots into Mac OS X. It does a simple reboot instead of going into Windows.

I hope this will be corrected, it's a very handy tool.

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efraidefraidAnonymous 24 Jul 2011 11:36

iMac 2011. Works fine for me.

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