WindowShade X

Doesn't work in 10.8

Doesn't work in 10.7

WindowShade X

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

WindowShade X icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

WindowShade X provides an exciting and useful way of organizing your work on Mac OS X.

Version 5.0.7
Developer Unsanity
Status Doesn't work

0 ratings

Simply refuses to work on anything greater than 10.6. :-(

Archived comments

No comments.14 comments

[ choreo]choreoAnonymous 06 Sep 2012 05:17

PLEASE bring this back for Mountain Lion! Willing to "pay" for the upgrade!

I installed Mountain Lion on one of my Macs and I will not be upgrading any of my other Macs if this functionality is not restored. It is one of the main reasons I am so productive with my workflow. Can't believe this is not still just built into the OS?

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[ Jim]JimAnonymous 18 Sep 2012 08:00

Deskovery is an application which can perform the windowshading you seek.

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[ Peter B]Peter BAnonymous 11 Oct 2012 12:30

Please bring back WindowshadeX for mountain lion.

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[ david]davidAnonymous 20 Nov 2012 14:31

deskovery isnt retina compatible. which is disappointing

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[ Gordo]GordoAnonymous 04 Dec 2012 06:58

Best, most useful app ever - need the upgrade to 10.8! Helps keep desktop organized when many files are open - why can't Mac develop this?!
- -
Also, can someone please tell me what happened to another old fav - F11? Used to use it all the time on my old mac for a quick files disappear/reappear. Anyone know how I can set that up again? (F11 now volume down key on 27 iMac)

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ aka]akaAnonymous 25 Sep 2011 14:51

Great app - sadly latest version does not work under OSX Lion. Apple really needs to bring this functionality back to the OS.

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[ Don108]Don108Anonymous 03 Oct 2011 23:32

I agree. I don't want to keep going down to the bottom of the screen just to find a darn open file. Bring back windowshade…or unsanity, get WindowshadeX to work.

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WrexWrexAnonymous 16 Oct 2011 22:36

I'm sure it will be the usual with Unsanity (What an appropriate name for the company) and it will be over a year before this will be updated to work with Lion. FML. I have a true love/hate with this company.

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[ Mark74]Mark74Anonymous 10 Nov 2011 20:26

This sucks… Just upgraded to Lion OS and not happy I can't windowshade. They really need to bring this function back in the OS.

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[ Lynick4442]Lynick4442Anonymous 07 Dec 2011 13:39

agreed. I'm so frustrated.

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[ Compio]CompioAnonymous 16 Dec 2011 16:25

I agree, Apple should allow Unsanity's WindoShade in Lion. One of the best Mac Apps out there, for years.

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[ sammy]sammyAnonymous 26 Dec 2011 18:41

this is the worst. why do i even use a mac if i cant use windowshade?

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[ Lynick4442]Lynick4442Anonymous 17 Jan 2012 12:10

I found this app that works with Lion. Deskovery but I didn't love it. While it did window shade, it didn't work with the ease of Windowshade. I'm going to a one-on-one Mac class to see if I can use the new tools in Lion and re-thing how i organize my workspace. I've been using Mac since 84 so maybe I'm just not giving Lion a chance. (Even tried the magic trackpad but I'm missing my mouse too.)

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Matt HellerMatt HellerAnonymous 07 Feb 2012 06:01

I used to love windowshade back in the OS 7/8/9 days, but since I got used to cmd-tab to switch apps and cmd-backtick (the other one on the tilde key) to switch windows within an app — somewhere around 10.3 I think — I don't miss windowshade at all. Give it a shot!

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