Adobe InDesign CS5.5

Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

Adobe InDesign CS5.5

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Adobe InDesign CS5.5 icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Adobe InDesign CS5.5 software lets you design and preflight engaging page layouts for print or digital distribution with built-in creative tools and precise control over typography. Integrate interactivity, video, and audio for playback on tablets, smartphones, and computers.

Version 7.5.1
Developer Adobe Systems
Status Works fine

0 ratings
It should work correctly so.


Toolbar along top doesn't show, but if you change the workspace arrangement it reappears and works fine.

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[ Flo]FloAnonymous 30 Jun 2012 15:54

Same question as Mog: Does anybody know how InDesign CS5 (not CS5.5) works?

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ GCRaya]GCRayaAnonymous 04 Mar 2011 01:18

I got the 150:30 Error. I can't figure how to get rid of it. It has to do with the upgrade.

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[ dzigi]dzigiAnonymous 03 Jul 2011 18:48

How about ADOBE CS3. Could anyone can try how it is work?

Best Regards

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[ Mog]MogAnonymous 11 Jul 2011 08:41

anyone say how cs5 (ie, not 5.5) works? thanks!

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[ Don]DonAnonymous 11 Jul 2011 13:46

I wonder why 5.5 wouldn't work. Try reinstalling

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[ Andy Campling]Andy CamplingAnonymous 12 Aug 2011 20:49

Creative Suite 5.5 does not install on a Lion installation updated from Snow Leopard. It does install on a clean Lion installation.

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[ Andy Campling]Andy CamplingAnonymous 20 Aug 2011 22:22

Double check that you have the latest version of Flash Player (10.3) and Air (2.7.1) installed. Then the installer works.

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[ John Reid]John ReidAnonymous 03 Oct 2011 20:24

I've had very few problems installing and using InDesign CS5.5. The only issue I've noticed is that my printer can't be shared with others users on the network (there's only one) after I've printed using InDesign. If I restart or log off the printer is released.

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