
Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

MediaPro icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

MediaPro is an extremely powerful and customizable image management software application for importing, annotating, organizing, archiving, searching, and distributing your ever-growing collection of digital files.

Version 3.1.3
Developer Microsoft
Status Works fine

0 ratings

Based on a few very preliminary tests, iView Media Pro v3.1.3 seems to work in Mountain Lion.

Archived comments

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[ John]JohnAnonymous 12 Aug 2012 13:53

The current status for Mountain Lion seems to be "doesn't work"… I'd appreciate it if someone could give a more detailed explanation; what exactly does not work? Doesn't start at all? Conflicts with Gatekeeper (which we can probably get around)? Crashes at some point? Details would be more than welcome (or a pointer to some website with more details). Thank you!

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[ John]JohnAnonymous 12 Aug 2012 13:55

One clarification to my previous comment: I'm asking about the original iView Media Pro v3.1.3 here, not the later incarnations by Microsoft and Phase One.

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[ John]JohnAnonymous 15 Aug 2012 09:52

Based on a few very preliminary tests, iView Media Pro v3.1.3 seems to work in Mountain Lion. Please note that I have only tested basic operations like opening an old catalog, browsing, editing and saving.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ hans]hansAnonymous 25 Jul 2011 22:47

iView would be the name…

But today "Media Pro 1" by Phase One (they bought it from Microsoft after they bought iView, renamed it to "Expression Media Pro" and stopped any development before they dropped it). Phase One seems so go on with development of this software by now.

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