
Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

iDefrag icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Tech Support from Coriolis System says that version 2.2.1 works fine with Mountain Lion (10.8). I don't know if it supports Notification Center, iCloud, Gatekeeper, or Retina Graphics

Version 2.2.1
Developer Coriolis Systems
Status Works fine

0 ratings

This version works on OS X Lion, including the reboot-and-defragment functionality that was previously not functional on the new system.

If you are having problems with iDefrag, please contact Coriolis using their support link, rather than editing this page.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Dave Albano]Dave AlbanoAnonymous 04 Jul 2011 22:03

any update on wether this works or not? couldn't find anything on the developers site.

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[ Dave Albano]Dave AlbanoAnonymous 04 Jul 2011 22:04

whether+ lol ;)

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AshleyKAshleyKashleyk 05 Jul 2011 23:17

I am curious to know if the older version 1.7.3 will work.

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[ Steve Jobs]Steve JobsAnonymous 12 Jul 2011 11:36

Doesn't work, but developer promises an update after the official release of Lion.

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[ Tomn]TomnAnonymous 12 Jul 2011 22:36

Too bad, so how can I defrag my hard disk to install Lion on an other partition ?!

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[ Daniel]DanielAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 02:31

Tomn, why not run iDefrag on your existing Snow Leopard system before you install Lion?

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[ Tom]TomAnonymous 22 Jul 2011 21:55

From Coriolis:
The current version of iDefrag does work with Lion, and can safely defragment a Lion disk. However, the reboot-and-defragment feature in the current version is not compatible with Lion (yet… we are working on this); as a result, to run a Full Defrag on Lion you will need to boot from a different partition or disk, or from a bootable DVD, which you can create by choosing the "Create Boot Disk…" option from the "iDefrag" menu.

iDefrag should work perfectly well with the new FileVault feature (aka Core Storage), although we do not recommend defragmenting while Core Storage is converting, encrypting or decrypting a disk as this will cause both the defragmentation and the conversion/encryption/decryption to take significantly longer.

Note that, if you are making a bootable DVD in order to use iDefrag, there is no need for it to be based on Lion unless you are using the new version of FileVault. We are currently investigating the creation of bootable DVDs containing Lion, particularly in light of the fact that the installer is a download from the Mac App Store for most people, and will post more information about this and about the reboot-and-defragment feature on our website as it becomes available.

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ashleykashleykAnonymous 03 Sep 2011 21:11

1.7.3 seems to be working fine with Lion from what I can see unless somebody else knows different.

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