Norton AntiVirus 12.3

Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

Norton AntiVirus 12.3

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Norton AntiVirus 12.3 icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Stops viruses and spyware, so you can read email, and download and share files without worrying about your Stuff getting infected.

Version 12.3
Developer Symantec
Status Works fine

0 ratings

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ xpas]xpasAnonymous 05 Jul 2011 08:33

Norton is powerPC app.

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[ Doug]DougAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 19:17

NAV 11 is not a PowerPC app, at least when it's running on my iMac27 and my MacBook Pro! I'll check back in a couple of hours after I convert to Lion.

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[ ]Anonymous 01 Aug 2011 20:12

I found this thread on the Symantec/Norton community site:

Lion and Norton Procucts For Mac
- - -
I haven't upgraded to Lion yet, but was re-installing the Symantec Norton Internet Security (NIS) 4.2 package on 10.6.8 and discovered this as I was sorting out what to do (I had to upgrade to LiveUpdate 5.1.2 to get the updater to work)…

The posting points to two key items for Lion
- update to LiveUpdate 5.1.2 (download link in the thread) after getting Java for Lion

- upcoming NIS 5 release expected soon -

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[ Anonymous]AnonymousAnonymous 02 Aug 2011 10:20

Norton AntiVirus 11.2.1(17) is working on OS X Lion on my MacBook.

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