
Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

InsomniaX icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

InsomniaX disables the sleep mode on a Apple Laptop allowing you to play music through speakers or download huge files while it's closed. Also adds the option to enable hibernation mode.
CPU safety is a feature that will disable insomnia if the computer gets to hot.

Version 2.1.2
Status Works fine

0 ratings

official 10.8 Mountain Lion support with version 2.1.2

official 10.7 Lion support with version 2.1.2

no official 10.6 Snow leopard support with version 2.1.2

Intel, OS X 10.7 or later

Archived comments

No comments.6 comments

Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Steve]SteveAnonymous 08 Jul 2011 16:42

There is a note on the InsomniaX site providing a download link and instructions for installing a kext update that makes the app 64-bit compatible. Since I do not have Lion, I do not know if this will make the app compatible. Can someone check it out?

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[ Tom]TomAnonymous 20 Jul 2011 22:30

@Steve I can confirm that the app works in Lion, provided that the instructions on the site are followed.

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fabiosoftfabiosoftAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 13:16

the app doesn't work. if i run it from application folder it tells:"Please install InsomniaX to a location you have permission to write to". how did you solve?

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[ Felix]FelixAnonymous 24 Jul 2011 01:49

I also followed Steve's instructions and it works on Lion

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[ kevin]kevinAnonymous 24 Sep 2011 23:33

works fine (does what it's supposed to), but when I try to click disable, it remains enabled. only way to turn it off is to quit it. and then have to restart it in disabled mode if want to keep it running for easy access later

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[ DanB]DanBAnonymous 10 Dec 2011 13:53

My wife had some odd sleep issues with her MBP. I found there is a Lion compatible version of InsomniaX, version 2.0. To me, this along with some discussions I read indicate that 1.3.5 does not always work with Lion.

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