
Unknown in 10.8

Unknown in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

MailSteward icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

MailSteward is the ultimate Mac OS X email management Solution. It will archive all of the email in all of your Apple Mail accounts into a database for easy retrieval. Safely archive your large volume of vital email information. Easily access your email database with fast, sophisticated searching. Protect your essential email data from data format obsolescence.

Version 9.0.7
Status Unknown

0 ratings

MailSteward comes in three versions, MailSteward Lite, MailSteward, and MailSteward Pro. The MailSteward Lite version is also available on the Mac App Store, but is not upgradeable to the full version of MailSteward, as is the version of MailSteward Lite purchased from the developer's website.

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