
Doesn't work in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Imagerie icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

From professional presentations to sending e-mails to family and friends, everyone needs an image editor from time to time. Photoshop, while a great program, is overkill for these types of tasks. You shouldn’t have to take evening classes or spend hours reading a manual to put together a project or letter that is polished and professional.

We didn’t design Imagerie to be a clone of Photoshop or one of its competitors; instead we had your daily image editing tasks in mind. Tasks like enhancing, cropping and exporting an image for a weblog entry, article or a presentation. These common time consuming tasks are now streamlined and easy. We built Imagerie so you don’t have to be a professional image editor to take advantage of its power.

Our goal was to make all of your tasks as easy to perform as possible. Imagerie was designed and built to be fast, flexible and intuitive. There are no complex windows or hidden features, everything is simple and clear. Imagerie makes it fast and easy for anyone to edit an image. Its features range from basic enhancement to the implementation of high-end filters for sophisticated projects.

Version 1.2.3
Developer ADNX
Status Doesn't work

0 ratings

You need to upgrade to xDream (the new name of the app)

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