Eye-One Match

Doesn't work in 10.8

Doesn't work in 10.7

Eye-One Match

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Eye-One Match icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Application for making screen icc-profiles with the i1 Display 2 colorimeter.

Version 3.6.3
Developer X-Rite
Website http://www.xrite.com
Status Doesn't work

0 ratings

The application is PPC only and will not work on Lion, however X-Rite have an upgrade path in plan with a new app expected to be offered by September 2011 (ref: http://bit.ly/nym9wA) with a Beta version of i1Profiler (ref: http://goo.gl/GTLYa)

Archived comments

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Greg Lamb]Greg LambAnonymous 10 Jul 2011 18:01

See www.xrite.com/custom_page.aspx?PageID=264 On that page, as I understand it, an owner of the i1Display LT or i1Display 2 can register to be notified of software promised in Sept. for use with Lion. The updated software is free if you bought the colorimeter this year or for "nominal fee" if before. (Not associated with X-Rite.)

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[ Richard Hunter]Richard HunterAnonymous 11 Aug 2011 03:49

If you are unlucky enough to have bought their $700 i1 Photo LT package of hardware and software, their "nominal fee" upgrade is only $900.00

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[ Phil Oye]Phil OyeAnonymous 08 Sep 2011 06:57

The page that Greg Lamb links to above now says that the September update is free for all users, no mention of a "nominal fee" if you bought it a while ago.

"Free Update for all registered owners. (Please register to receive notification.)"

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We have been engaged in beta testing over the last several weeks and are confident we are well on our way to delivering a high quality software solution. During the beta test, however, our engineers uncovered some unforeseen issues that are affecting a very small population of our testers. We would like to take some additional time to fix these so we can deliver the professional solution you expect from X-Rite. But, we also understand that you are anxious to use your i1Display device with Lion. Therefore, we are providing a public beta version that you can download and immediately begin using with your i1Display LT or i1Display 2 device.

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[ Beta link]Beta linkAnonymous 01 Oct 2011 18:04

Beta link : http://goo.gl/GTLYa

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