Final Cut Studio

Some problems in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7

Final Cut Studio

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Final Cut Studio icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store
Version 3
Developer Apple
Status Some problems

0 ratings

Works fine in Dev Preview 4 once you update Final Cut Suite to the latest version.
Has issues exporting 1080p video using Quicktime Conversion:
Quality: Best
Keyframes: Auto
Size: 1920x1080 HD

Archived comments

No comments.17 comments

[ Tim]TimAnonymous 25 Jul 2012 04:23

I have a 2011 quad core i5 21.5 inch iMac running os x lion. Final Cut studio 3 works fine on it, I've had only a few little hang ups with log and transfer but no complete crashes. Nothing to downgrade for. It all works fine. I have it running side by side with FCPX with 7toX transfer app from the Mac app store.

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[ Natha]NathaAnonymous 25 Jul 2012 13:03

Any news regarding Mountain Lion? (10.8)

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[ Michael]MichaelAnonymous 13 Aug 2012 16:39

I've heard that at least CinemaTools won't work (10.8)…true?

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[ Chris]ChrisAnonymous 13 Aug 2012 21:11

I've upgraded my laptop to Mountain Lion, and did some quick noodling around with FCS 3. All programs opened and ran just fine, and seemed to perform the functions I most commonly use without any problems. (This included CinemaTools.) While I haven't played extensively enough to say that there are absolutely no problems of any kind, it's a promising start.

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[ Michael]MichaelAnonymous 04 Sep 2012 15:32

Well, I've upgraded a few days ago and Cinema Tools didn't launch under 10.8.

If I find a way to fix that, I'll post it!

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[ MP]MPAnonymous 11 Nov 2012 00:02

Does anyone know if I can run Final Cut Studio 2 on Mountain Lion and if so what probs come up with FCP. I'm also concerned about Motion.
As this point, I'm thinking of a straight install, if I was to get a new MacBook Pro and issues that I might be facing.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

NicolaNicolaAnonymous 27 Jun 2011 08:07

The problem is not Final Cut Studio, but a QuickTIme issue. You can address this by downloading QT 7.6 for Lion, with software update.

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sergsergAnonymous 17 Jul 2011 19:42

After starting DVD STUDIO PRO there is 2 processes is not answering: MultiMediaImporter.oxygene

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[ alberto]albertoAnonymous 22 Jul 2011 10:20

Some crashes when rendering Motion 3 content in Final Cut Pro 6.06. Report said FCP crashes because of Prographics Module. I don't know what is it.

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[ SgtPiddles]SgtPiddlesAnonymous 22 Jul 2011 19:20

Major, incessant crashes in Final Cut Pro for me on a relatively recent Mac Pro after upgrading to Lion. Reinstalled FCP and the problem got worse.

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Mikael KysterMikael KysterAnonymous 31 Jul 2011 08:12

SgtPiddles - what version of FCP are you using?

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Tim at AppogeeTim at AppogeeAnonymous 12 Aug 2011 13:57

I see that the last comment on here was from July 31st. Anyone having any issues with FCP7 on a Lion machine? I see SgtPiddles comment, but then things seem to be okay with Nicola.

Curious if one takes a new Lion machine, and installs the most current version of FCP7 on it, if there will be issues. ?

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[ Jonny]JonnyAnonymous 22 Aug 2011 04:53

Any issues if you are running unlicensed version of this software?

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[ DVEous]DVEousAnonymous 19 Sep 2011 02:54

You shouldn't be running an unlicensed version of this software. Pay for it like everyone else.

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[ leo]leoAnonymous 26 Sep 2011 00:07

do problems happen on only serton computers?

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MMIMMIAnonymous 26 Oct 2011 15:28

I'm now experiencing multiple crashes in FCP 7, slipping audio and weirdness in the graphics performance after upgrading, leading me to believe that Lion has messed with the graphics board settings, among others, in my iMac. Export to Quicktime was not a problem. Licensed Final Cut Studio on iMac 24, Build 11C74.

Additionally, one of my external drives isn't being read in Finder post-Lion upgrade.

Lion strikes me as a deeply flawed product.

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[ dante22]dante22Anonymous 29 Nov 2011 08:04

i wanna know if final cut studio 3 works with a 10.7 lion OS?? does it??? does it?

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