
Some problems in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Zooom/2 icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Zooom is a Mac desktop utility that redefines how you can resize, move and align your application windows – making you faster and more productive.

Version 2.5.0
Website http://coderage-software.com/zooom/index.html
Status Some problems

0 ratings

Fullscreen resize raises some issues.

Archived comments

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[ Marina]MarinaAnonymous 25 Jul 2012 23:57

Can anyone recommend and 10.8 compatible alternatives?

I was previously a user of MondoMouse, which had the additional perk of being able to resize from the left side of the window, but it never made it to Lion. I then switched to Zoom/2 on Lion, but now it seems like it has been dormant for a long time, and unlikely to update any time soon…

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[ ]mepelman 28 Jul 2012 01:47

Moving and resizing seems to work. I don't use magnetics, so can't comment.

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[ Ben]BenAnonymous 11 Aug 2012 00:23

Seconded: Zooom2 seems to work nicely in Mountain Lion (10.8).
I tested the magnetic thing and it appears to work; however I don't use it normally; just the move and resize.
I note as mentioned above that Zooom2 doesn't resize from the left, but I never used that with MondoMouse; I always use the default resize-from-bottom-left.

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[ JamesGM]JamesGMAnonymous 05 Sep 2012 23:15

A confirmation that Zooom2 (the version for Lion) seems to mostly be working on Mountain Lion, including the Magnetics. Since ML natively handles resize from any side, the "resize from left" thing is less important.

I say mostly, because "four corner resize" is broken in Zooom2 on ML, at least for me.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

David FergusonDavid FergusonAnonymous 22 Jun 2011 20:32

Moving works, resizing doesn't.

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[ makcode]makcodeAnonymous 04 Jul 2011 13:06

with the version 2.5.0 resizing also works on lion.

4 corner resizing doesn't work yet!

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[ James]JamesAnonymous 30 Oct 2011 23:52

Resizing is broken…

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