PTHPasteboard PRO 4

Some problems in 10.8

Doesn't work in 10.7

PTHPasteboard PRO 4

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

PTHPasteboard PRO 4 icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

PTHPasteboard PRO is a pasteboard buffer utility for Mac OS X. It runs quietly in the background watching every item you copy to the Mac OS X pasteboard, you can then use it to paste those items into any aplication.

Version 4.5.6
Developer PTH Consulting
Status Some problems

0 ratings

Updated for Lion with version 4.5.6 on August 8, 2011

Archived comments

No comments.3 comments

[ Frank P.]Frank P.Anonymous 02 Aug 2012 08:18

On Mountain Lion 10.8

3 glitches:
1-does not start on start-up even though it is set to do so in its prefs
2-the pasteboard shows up in Spaces.
For example: I have it PTHPbPro set to appear on the left when moving the cursor there. If i have an app in full screen mode in its own Space, switching to it will have the pasteboard appear on the right side for about 15 seconds before disappearing.
3-As with Lion, I still cannot invoke the pasteboard with Mail in full screen mode.

Email to the dev last week has gone unanswered.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Patrick Houlihan]Patrick HoulihanAnonymous 06 Aug 2011 13:57

Copying less than a complete line from Safari, Mail, TextEdit, and iCal fails. Copying complete lines works as expected.

In early Aug. 2011, I sent an inquiry to the developer concerning an update for Lion. No response after 4 days.

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[ Patrick Houlihan]Patrick HoulihanAnonymous 08 Aug 2011 15:50

Problems have now been solved with version 4.5.6, released on August 8, 2011.

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