
Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

TotalFinder icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

TotalFinder adds tabs, hotkeys, and other tweaks to the Mac OS X Finder.

Version 1.4
Developer BinaryAge
Status Works fine

0 ratings

Version 1.4 fixes some bugs

Archived comments

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Jacob]JacobAnonymous 20 Mar 2011 20:23

New version 1.1.9 supports LION . plz update.

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[ Benjamin]Benjaminexcelite 30 May 2011 19:34

missing some features:

-path bar behaves oddly (you need to re-create whole window/tab)
-no tab tooltips (with full path)
-no sidebar mirroring in dual mode
-no sidebar width synchronization between tabs
-horizontal window enlargement when resizing column in Column View
-switching tabs confuses resizing logic (also switching tabs flashes finder background)
-showing/hiding statusbar, toolbar and sidebar may not redraw window (you need to resize it or switch tabs to see the effect)


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[ The_Ben]The_BenAnonymous 07 Jul 2011 23:53

Where did you get v1.1.19? I didn't see any such version for download on the official website nor through the beta channel updates from TotalFinder itself.

Latest version I could find is v1.1.15.

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[ mountainbiker]mountainbikerAnonymous 10 Jul 2011 21:09

With 1.1.15 and Lion GM, I am having issue with The Asepsis Feature not working. I reported it today to BinaryAge.

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