
Unknown in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

DropCopy icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Easily and quickly send files and folders to multiple destinations across your network by simply dragging files onto recipients in a popup window.

Version 1.73
Developer 10base-t interactive
Website http://10base-t.com/macintosh-software/dropcopy
Status Unknown

0 ratings

Dropzone appears only on one desktop, does not honor "always on top" setting.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ boywithumbrella]boywithumbrellaAnonymous 09 Jul 2011 22:52

I'm using DropCopy with Lion Developer Preview (10.7 build 11A459e) and it works for the most part.
Things that don't work:
- context menus (a.k.a right-click- or ctrl-click-menu) in finder do not contain DropCopy's options
Things that definitely work:
- sending files through dropzone
- receiving files
- sending messages
- receiving messages (as well as copying a message to clipboard or opening a received URL)
- "get clipboard" (both ways)

This is definitely a yellow exclamation mark (almost a green check mark) - by no means a red X.
By that I mean that the app is usable under Lion to a great extent

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[ boywithumbrella]boywithumbrellaAnonymous 23 Jul 2011 14:23

updated to Lion through Mac App Store
suddenly found, that DropCopy's menu items are now hidden behind "Services" (e.g. Secondary Click => Services => Send File via DropCopy). At least they're there ^^

One other bug that I noticed is that the Dropzone now appears only on one desktop (which afair was not the case with SL) and the setting "dropzone always on top" doesn't make any difference - it still disappears behind other windows.

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