Time Machine Editor

Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

Time Machine Editor

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Time Machine Editor icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

TimeMachineEditor is a software for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard that lets you change the default one-hour backup interval of Time Machine.

Version 2.5.3
Website http://timesoftware.free.fr/timemachineeditor/
Status Works fine

0 ratings

Time Machine in Lion is working fine. I previously reported it as not working. However, I forgot that you need to turn time machine OFF for the schedule to change.

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[ Robbie]RobbieAnonymous 12 Sep 2012 23:48

The functionality under Mountain Lion v10.8.1 has problems. After turning off TimeMachineEditor to perform a SuperDuper clone backup TimeMachineEditor has not started a backup in over 72 hours even after manually starting the backup. Also, Show Time Machine logs does not show anything in the window.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Greg]GregAnonymous 23 Jul 2011 22:01

Seems to still be working here… I haven't tried out a lot of different settings, but my twice a day (at specific times) backup is still working… Also, I opened Time Machine Editor to re-apply the settings (which is usually necessary after an update), and everything was still in place.

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Robert SevernRobert SevernAnonymous 26 Jul 2011 15:18

Seems to be okay so far…

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[ Amer]AmerAnonymous 31 Jul 2011 00:49

My once a day back up does not work even if I reapply the settings or reinstall the app even though the app tells me the the once daily settings were applied. Now Time Machine is driving me crazy with hourly back ups. Only solution is to unplug power and back up only when connected to power.

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[ Amer]AmerAnonymous 31 Jul 2011 13:39

My above comment is wrong. The program works fine. I just forgot to turn the TIME MACHINE off in settings. The editor app has it's own ON button.

It is working fine!

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[ cromwelld]cromwelldAnonymous 16 Aug 2011 00:35

This has been working hit or miss for me. It will run ok for a period and then stop working again. It may have to do that I install the developer updates for Lion as they come out (currently 11C37)… In doing so, I have probably forgotten to adjust the settings….

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[ Mike Hayes]Mike HayesAnonymous 20 Aug 2011 12:51

Where can I schedule backups at certain times,. not intervals?

Mail seems to work very slowly or not at all when time machine editor is backing up

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