Carbon Copy Cloner

Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

Carbon Copy Cloner

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Carbon Copy Cloner icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Clone, synchronize, backup. Schedule and forget it. Try it 'til you trust it.

Version 3.4.3
Developer Bombich Software
Status Works fine

0 ratings

Occasional reports of this application not working, many reports of it working fine.

If you have the application, please post below to let us know if it works for you! Also mention the type of Mac you are using.

Archived comments

No comments.10 comments

[ ]Anonymous 25 Jul 2012 08:08

Developer has moved to trial/pay model for future updates, states inconstancies with use of older versions with Mountain Lion.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Brady Loveland]Brady LovelandAnonymous 02 Mar 2011 17:15

Does anyone have any description of what isnt working on this. I just opened mine and it works just fine.

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[ yok]yokAnonymous 03 Mar 2011 09:30

Brady, are you on a macbook?

Any other confirmations one way or the other?

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[ ]leiger 04 Mar 2011 00:23

I changed it from "doesn't work" to "some problems", and added this note:

Some reports of this application not working at all, some reports of it working fine.

If you have the application, please post below to let us know if it works for you! Also mention the type of Mac you are using.

I don't have a Mac myself, so I'm unable to shed any light on whether this works or not :(

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[ Andi]AndiAnonymous 21 Mar 2011 14:11

CCC worked for me in 10.7
I cloned the system to another disk without errors.

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[ aj]ajAnonymous 18 Jun 2011 07:36

works fine for me on the new 15" macbook pro

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[ TechArea]TechAreaAnonymous 04 Jul 2011 10:14

During restore the Lion DMG (GM) Carbon Copy Cloner say's:
This Image will not be bootable… But… we know it better ;-)

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[ Mike]MikeAnonymous 09 Jul 2011 17:02

I cloned a existing partition (10.6) under 10.7 from one HDD to a SSD and after this the SSD was cloned but not bootable.
I repeated the process under 10.6 and it was bootable. I have a MBP Early 2008.

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[ Art]ArtAnonymous 13 Sep 2011 13:25

Works fine on iMac 21" version 10.7.1 2.5 GHz Core i5

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[ Steve D]Steve DAnonymous 18 Sep 2011 05:24

The general consensus is that it works, so I changed the status (and description) accordingly. I routinely use it to back up three Lion systems, and it works flawlessly.

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