Livescribe Desktop

Some problems in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

Livescribe Desktop

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Livescribe Desktop icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Connection and management software for Livescribe pens. Think of it as iTunes for your Livescribe.

Version 2.8
Developer Apple
Status Some problems

0 ratings

The developers are aware of the incompatibility and are working to fix it with updates promised in this forum post:

Livescribe claimed all bugs are fixed and it worked for a little while now my Pulse smartpen won't connect and before then it had issues with creation and viewing of custom notebooks, this caused the program to shut down about 20% of the time any custom notebook was updated and about 90% of the time when any custom notebook was viewed after making changes to a custom notebook.

It is claimed that all bugs are fixed with update 2.8
The program may have to be uninstalled and reinstalled manually
(don't let auto deleters such as AppZapper & Hazel delete related data files)

Archived comments

No comments.7 comments

MicahMicahAnonymous 26 Jul 2012 02:21

Desktop and Connect both launch upon connecting the pen, but no synchronization occurs.

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[ T Campbell]T CampbellAnonymous 27 Jul 2012 23:12

Requires re-install (same version of software) to repair in Mountain Lion. You'll need to temporarily tell Gatekeeper to allow install of software from "Anywhere". Once re-installed you can re-enable Gatekeeper. Livescribe Desktop will now recognize and sync the pen.

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[ M.D. Molier]M.D. MolierAnonymous 28 Jul 2012 17:14

Is there an update coming for Mountain Lion?

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ M]MAnonymous 17 Jul 2011 18:57

It works for a while. However Livescribe Connect begins shutting down upon open and Livescribe Desktop crashes when the pen is plugged in.

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RobRobAnonymous 22 Jul 2011 12:28

I'm also seeing my /var/log/system.log filling with these errors, which I haven't been able to get rid of:

Jul 22 08:26:58 Walkabout[1] (PenCommService[15044]): getpwnam("_pencomm") failed
Jul 22 08:27:08 Walkabout[1] (PenCommService[15045]): getpwnam("_pencomm") failed
Jul 22 08:27:18 Walkabout[1] (PenCommService[15046]): getpwnam("_pencomm") failed
Jul 22 08:27:28 Walkabout[1] (PenCommService[15047]): getpwnam("_pencomm") failed
Jul 22 08:27:39 Walkabout[1] (PenCommService[15048]): getpwnam("_pencomm") failed
Jul 22 08:27:39 Walkabout[1] (PenCommService[15048]): Exited with code: 1
Jul 22 08:27:39 Walkabout[1] (PenCommService): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
Jul 22 08:27:49 Walkabout[1] (PenCommService[15049]): getpwnam("_pencomm") failed
Jul 22 08:27:59 Walkabout[1] (PenCommService[15050]): getpwnam("_pencomm") failed
Jul 22 08:28:09 Walkabout[1] (PenCommService[15051]): getpwnam("_pencomm") failed

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[ M]MAnonymous 05 Aug 2011 06:00

Since the last update it still force closes a lot when editing custom notebooks and now it won't recognise my Pulse smartpen.

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[ mobang]mobangAnonymous 06 Aug 2011 12:08

Here it's the same. Using custom notebooks causes Version 2.8.0 to crash after a while. For me the software is unusable now, because in 10min it crashes a minimum of 10 times :-( Wrote this to livescribe, forum article is not online until now, needs approval.

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