[ eth0]eth0Anonymous 27 Jul 2012 11:51
Installes fine if you allow for unsigned software, icon did take like 2 reboots to apear in preferences.
Registration went OK too. However connecting does not give a drive in diskutil so it's broken.
Doesn't work in 10.8
Some problems in 10.7
I'm putting the finishing touches on the all-new RoaringApps, with support for Mavericks & iOS 7.
Try it out now and help me squash some bugs.
Created by Anonymous on 27 Feb 2011 20:04.
Last updated by bcammo on 16 Jul 2013 03:11.
Supports iCloud
Secured by Gatekeeper
Supports retina graphics | |
http://www.snsforums.com/index.php?showtopic=498 | |
Doesn't work |
0 rating
What's New:
OS X Lion support
Xtarget iSCSI storage server (Beta)
Connect and Disconnect via Command Line Interface
Check for updates via preference pane
Feedback when trying to connect to invalid address
Ability to rescan for changes to a portal
Select multiple connections, act on all selected items
Documentation for globalSAN is now installed to /Applications/globalSAN/
[ eth0]eth0Anonymous 27 Jul 2012 11:51
Installes fine if you allow for unsigned software, icon did take like 2 reboots to apear in preferences.
Registration went OK too. However connecting does not give a drive in diskutil so it's broken.
Ramblin LambRamblin LambAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 05:09
This application does NOT work on Lion! It runs and it says it is connected to the iSCSI LUN but said LUN is not mountable. There are many people on the Global SAN website with the same problem. Damn annoying since this application is free. Time to buy a paid for app from ATTO.
Enrico M. CrisostomoEnrico M. CrisostomoAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 08:31
This application does not work correctly on Lion. I've got the same problem described from Ramblin Lamb and, additionally, when I try to disconnect a mounted volume, it stays forever trying to disconnect it with a high CPU consumption. Eventually I had to power cycle the computer twice and, at the end, got rid of it.
[ Ansekt]AnsektAnonymous 10 Aug 2011 13:32
Make sure you enable both ISCSI options, that worked for me and a few other people as well.
FBIRyuJinFBIRyuJinAnonymous 22 Aug 2011 03:46
It works fine for me until I try to disconnect a LUN. I unmounted and ejected the disk from disk utility first. Once disconnecting the LUN the system locks up entirely.
[ Bryan Pribanic]Bryan PribanicAnonymous 02 Sep 2011 15:37
I was able to get to work without fresh install of Lion. The uninstall script does not work so:
Open Terminal and type
sudo find / | grep globalsan
Delete everything it finds (except for the dmg you may have just downloaded)
Reboot (just because)
Install latest version (reboot again, required)
Configure (enable both ISCSI option) as Ansekt noted earlier
And voila… Data!!
Thank you, SNS!
(if you're not good with command line, use Finder to navigate. Just Shift-Command-g and you can 'goto' some of the hidden directories needed)
[ Bryan Pribanic]Bryan PribanicAnonymous 09 Sep 2011 14:44
correction from last post:
sudo find / | grep -i globalsan
jbehrensjbehrensAnonymous 31 Oct 2011 21:48
If you are having trouble with the initiator, please check the forums.
If you have had no experience setting up a SAN, it does require some basic knowledge. The initiator is only one part of the equation.
As a start, make sure the target system has a LUN assigned to LUN-0 (and not just named that). Without a LUN-0, a MAC workstation will fail to see any LUNs that are available.
jgyorogjgyorogAnonymous 31 Oct 2011 21:55
If you are having trouble with the uninstaller, it may be that you have no password set for your Mac OS user. Unfortunately, the Mac OS version of the "sudo" command (which grants administrative privileges for certain operations, such as uninstalling) will silently fail if you hit enter, rather than typing in a password. This is true, even if there is no password set, and so simply pressing enter would seem to be the right response.