
Doesn't work in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

SoundSource icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

SoundSource is a tiny application for Mac OS X enabling you to switch your audio input and output sources with a single click, and even adjust their volume settings.

Version 2.5.1
Developer Rogue Amoeba Software
Status Doesn't work

0 ratings

SoundSource does not work with Mountain Lion.

Archived comments

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[ Eddy]EddyAnonymous 29 Jul 2012 22:49

Under Mountain Lion, it returns the following error message:

Incompatible Operating System
Sorry, SoundSource is currently not compatible with this version of Mac OS X.

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[ John]JohnAnonymous 19 Aug 2012 21:06

SoundSource 2.5.1 does not work with Mountain Lion. However, SoundSource 2.5 does, provided that it be opened manually the first time. If you can find a download of 2.5 (I did using a web search) and install and open it, it works fine.

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BenBenAnonymous 06 Sep 2012 09:33

Hi there!

Thanks for all your great apps. Most of these are essential to me using OS X - especially SoundSource.

After a clean install of Mountain Lion i get the error message "not compatible".

Whats funny is that when i upgrade from Lion to Mountain Lion having SoundSource installed, SoundSource works great - on Mountain Lion.

I really hope you can fix the compatibility with 10.8.

Best regards

Ben Miller

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[ satg]satgAnonymous 20 Sep 2012 22:23

i have 2.5 on my clean installed mountain lion, it works fine no problem .

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[ Elena-Beth]Elena-BethAnonymous 04 Dec 2012 23:16

You can hold down the Option key while pressing the Volume icon in the menubar in Mountain Lion, and you get a menu of sound sources to choose from.

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