
Doesn't work in 10.8

Doesn't work in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

iToner icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

iToner enables you to quickly create and transfer ringtones for your iPhone. Simply drag and drop your audio files on iToner's window, use the sliders to edit to your desired sound clip, click Sync, and you're good to go.

Version 2.0.7
Developer Ambrosia Software
Status Doesn't work

0 ratings

Will not currently work if iTunes is running 64-bit.

Archived comments

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[ Sandy]SandyAnonymous 30 Mar 2012 21:48

I love iToner and have a work around for the incompatibility of iToner2.0.7 and iOS5. I discovered whenever I did a sync for ANYTHING I would lose my ringtones brought in by iToner. So after doing a sync and closing iTunes, I boot iToner do an iToner Sync. This loads the ringtones. This step one of two. The second step is to do a full iPhone boot. That is done by holding the Home button and the Power button on the top until the White Apple Logo is viewed (it takes about 10 seconds). Be sure to not stop when you see the normal red slider for turning off. Continue to hold and the Apple logo will appear. The iPhone will reboot by itself and now your ringtones will be as there were and work. A pain but you at least have the ringtones you want.

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[ priorek]priorekpriorek 05 Apr 2012 00:09

Sandy you are correct. Followed your instructions and it is working. Thank you!

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Nada ]Nada **Anonymous** 14 Oct 2011 03:11

iToner is not working with iOS5

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[ Steve Smith]Steve SmithAnonymous 15 Oct 2011 14:22

Agreed it is not working on IOS5

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[ biosphere1000]biosphere1000Anonymous 15 Oct 2011 16:52

Is there an upgrade coming so it will work with iOS5 again? It's been quite a while since it's here!

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[ neil]neilAnonymous 17 Oct 2011 18:58

Ambrosia says there will be a new version that works with iOS5 but clearly the current version is not compatible

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[ Dick Porter]Dick PorterAnonymous 19 Oct 2011 04:36

iToner loads the ringtones onto my iPhone 4S with iOS5, and they show up in the Sounds ringtone section as they should. But when I assign various ringtones to various individuals in the Contacts folder, the phone will randomly select another ringtone other than the one I assigned. For example, I assigned one ringtone as the default tone, and when the phone rings it plays another ringtone. Frustrating. Looking forward to the upgrade.

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Janie WoodJanie WoodAnonymous 17 Nov 2011 20:21

For some stranger reason iToner seems to work on my iPhone 4S. Not sure why, just luck, as at one point it didn't work at all, then suddenly it worked again.

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