Spring Cleaning Deluxe

Unknown in 10.8

Unknown in 10.7

Spring Cleaning Deluxe

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Spring Cleaning Deluxe icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store
Version 11.0.1
Developer Smith Micro Software
Status Unknown

0 ratings

Archived comments

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ ]Anonymous 26 Jul 2011 22:14

According to this document on Smith Micro's support site, Spring Cleaning is not Lion compatible and is being discontinued: http://support.smithmicro.com/cs/smkb.cfg/php.exe/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=2345&p_created=1310146681&p_sid=1eNWYZzk&p_accessibility=0&p_redirect=&p_lva=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPSZwX3NvcnRfYnk9JnBfZ3JpZHNvcnQ9JnBfcm93X2NudD0zNDEmcF9wcm9kcz0mcF9jYXRzPSZwX3B2PSZwX2N2PSZwX3NlYXJjaF90eXBlPWFuc3dlcnMuc2VhcmNoX25sJnBfcGFnZT0x&p_li=&p_topview=1.

I didn't see any functionality issues when I had it installed on Lion, but I uninstalled it anyway after seeing that, since I was having some system instability I couldn't pin down. I'm not certain whether Spring Cleaning was related to that, though.

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[ ]PhiladelphiaPA 26 Jul 2011 22:20

Cleaner version of the above link: http://support.smithmicro.com/cs/smkb.cfg/php.exe/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=2345

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