
Some problems in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Overflow icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Application launcher.

2.5.7 download, direct purchase available from developer's site: http://stuntsoftware.com/overflow/

Version 2.5.8
Website http://stuntsoftware.com/overflow
Status Some problems

0 ratings

Thread about Lion support in the forums:
Some cosmetic issues when not using alternate interface style

Archived comments

No comments.6 comments

[ russ]russAnonymous 29 Jul 2012 18:16

Overflow functions correctly on 10.8 and 10.7. I have experienced cosmetic artifacts - oversized white drop shadows - when the "Use Alternate Interface Style" is enabled in the application's preferences. Macbook Pro 2011 and Retina Macbook Pro.

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[ russ]russrusscus 29 Jul 2012 18:23

I meant 'disabled." The visual artifacts are present when the "Alternate Interface Style" is disabled. Checkbox cleared.

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Jeffrey WilliamsJeffrey WilliamsAnonymous 29 Jul 2012 22:24

I have used Overlflow from Snow Leopard to Lion to Mountain Lion. It has performed flawlessly, and as promised, though all of these operating systems. If is especially useful on a laptop to keep your doc clean and minimal.

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[ Dirk Boersma]Dirk BoersmaDirk Maurits Boersma 27 Sep 2012 07:05

I have used Overflow in Snow Leopard and am now using it in 10.8.2. It works without any problems. In 10.8.1 I experienced some freezing (don't know why), but it seems summer has come :-) !
Mtn Lion makes huge shortcuts to folders in the finder (5.8 Mb each - probably due to the icon previews). Overflow is an effective way to make shortcuts without using up so much space.
Anyway, once you start using Overflow, you don't want to recreate all your shortcuts in another app, so I am very happy Overflow is working in ML!

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ ]monkeybird 13 Jul 2011 23:36

On June 22, the Overflow site (in the Overflow forum) stated that Overflow "will be supported" in Lion, but doesn't say if the CURRENT version is compatible.

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[ cwisniewski]cwisniewskiAnonymous 23 Jul 2011 21:48

I am using Overflow on Lion with no apparent problems, including adding new categories, editing existing categories, and launching apps.

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