
Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Dropbox icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Dropbox is an application that creates a special Finder folder that automatically syncs online and between your computers. It allows you to both backup files and keep them up-to-date between systems.

Version 1.4.20, 1.5.10
Developer Dropbox
Website https://www.dropbox.com
Status Works fine

0 ratings

Note: as of 7/25/12, versions 1.5.x are testing builds. Version 1.4.x is the latest stable build, and does include Mountain Lion support.

Archived comments

No comments.25 comments

[ ]0815 14 Jun 2012 23:22

not sure why 10.8 is marked as 'some problems' - I did not run into any issues with Snow Leopard

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[ Josh H.]Josh H.Anonymous 24 Jul 2012 00:59

@0815 - Do you mean Mountain Lion? SL was 10.6 .

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[ Jack]JackAnonymous 25 Jul 2012 14:40

What's the latest official, non-beta version? 1.4.9? If so, is that Mountain Lion-compatible?

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[ jay]jayAnonymous 25 Jul 2012 20:32

the lastest stable build is 1.4.11. the lastest build does have some problems in 10.8 ML.

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[ ]mepelman 26 Jul 2012 00:47

1.4.12 just posted - first officially announced 10.8 ML support in a stable build

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[ ]Gatada 27 Jul 2012 22:11

1.4.7 does not add the sync state badges.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Pbls]PblsAnonymous 25 Feb 2011 22:34

Apple has disabled it for some reason, but if you still want to run it, you can edit the file info.plist (which is found by right-clicking dropbox and then "Show package content") and change the CFBundleVersion to 2.0.

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[ hfancy]hfancyAnonymous 26 Feb 2011 09:09

A better solution from the Dropbox forums was added.


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[ Shaun]ShaunAnonymous 28 Feb 2011 06:37

While it doesn't work without the info.plist change, it also seems to crash Finder occasionally on boot up. However, once Finder re-launches, it seems OK.

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[ pakko972]pakko972Anonymous 03 Mar 2011 09:27

Found from link provided by hfancy:

$ sudo rm -rf /Library/DropboxHelperTools
$ rm /Applications/Dropbox.app/Contents/Resources/DropboxHelperInstaller.tgz
$ defaults write /Applications/Dropbox.app/Contents/Info CFBundleVersion 2.0

After that, it worked great for me

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[ ]leiger 01 May 2011 07:17

So this doesn't work without manually changing something beforehand? And there was a mention of it crashing Finder occasionally?

I'd say that is "some problems" rather than "works fine".

I'll update the page.

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[ MacterryH]MacterryHAnonymous 07 May 2011 11:25

New Version (Dev. Build) 1.2.0 Installs As Version 2.2.0 ; & Works Fine. Go To The Dropbox Forums For The Dev. Build.

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[ Steve]SteveAnonymous 19 Jun 2011 12:31

While I don´t need to edit plist files, finder still crashes under 1.2.8. Also personal links to files doesn´t work.

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[ manfromearth]manfromearthAnonymous 03 Jul 2011 20:39

1.1.35 works fine here in Lion GM

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PauloPaulopaulosaopaulino 07 Jul 2011 21:44

1.2.13 works flawlessly. Finder integration, tags, and menu. 100% OK.

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[ tessus]tessusAnonymous 08 Jul 2011 03:55

Excuse me, but where the heck did you get version 1.2.13? The official link https://www.dropbox.com/downloading?os=mac gives you version 1.1.35.

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Abraham EstradaAbraham EstradaAnonymous 08 Jul 2011 17:38

You can download the latest build from here:

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[ Freelancer]FreelancerAnonymous 23 Jul 2011 15:48

Looks like latest build is now 1.2.16 Latest forum thread at http://forums.dropbox.com/topic.php?id=41644

Works fine for me and apparently for others based on thread.

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[ Tim Hunter]Tim HunterAnonymous 29 Jul 2011 19:29

Works fine.

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[ Brian]BrianAnonymous 01 Aug 2011 05:58

The stable 1.1.35 release does not support Lion. There are numerous known issues.

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[ ]leiger 01 Aug 2011 09:53

I'm using 1.1.35 at the moment (the latest stable version) and everything seems to work fine - apart from the lack of Finder integration.

Will try the latest build that "Freelancer" mentioned.

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[ Dayf]DayfAnonymous 05 Sep 2011 11:50

Latest build 1.2.3 beta


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[ Hans]HansAnonymous 12 Oct 2011 22:35

How can you claim that Dropbox "works fine", when it is only a beta version that works?

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Startup tools and resourcesStartup tools and resourcesAnonymous 20 Oct 2011 03:42

Great tool! I use Dropbox not only for my personal files but also as a way to sync files across all of my computers. I use it daily and if you are still carrying around that 16GB USB drive you should probably head to http://dropbox.com/ and sign up for free.

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Alan AckermanAlan AckermanAnonymous 03 Dec 2011 04:49

Per the above website "At the moment 1.2.48 is the current stable build, and it works just fine with OSX 10.7.2".

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