LiteSwitch X

Some problems in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

LiteSwitch X

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

LiteSwitch X icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store
Version 2.8 beta
Developer Proteron
Status Some problems

0 ratings

workaround to avoid changing the default security preference for applications (Allow applications downloaded from Mac App Store and identified developers):

1. enter these commands in terminal:
cd ~/Library/PreferencePanes/LiteSwitch X.prefPane
open Contents/

2. right click "LiteSwitch" and select open. After a warning, you add the core tab switcher application has an exception to your default security policy.

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[ Ribrob]RibrobAnonymous 26 Jul 2012 13:17

The approach in notes didn't work for me in Mountain Lion. ML still complained every time i tried to use LiteSwitch's preference pane and wouldn't allow me to enable it.

In the end i temporarily allowed all applications to be run by enabling the "Allow applications downloaded from Anywhere" setting in the "Security & Privacy" preferences, then enabling launch LiteSwitch again and enabling it via it's pane, and then set the "Security & Privacy" settings back to their default.

Now it seems to run fine without any issues.


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[ jakkke]jakkkeAnonymous 28 Jul 2012 08:55

LiteSwitch X works finte for me under ML but I have to reactivate it every time I reboot. And I cant find it in Startup Objects under Accounts


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[ scottmil]scottmilAnonymous 02 Aug 2012 17:37


To get LiteSwitch X to boot under ML, open ~/Library/PreferencePanes/LiteSwitch X. prefPane and right click to Show Contents. Under Contents/Resources, create an alias for LiteSwitch and move this alias to the Utilities folder.

Now add this alias to your login startup items and make it hidden.


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RibrobRibrobAnonymous 08 Oct 2012 10:24

Hey Scott,

For me the alias seems to open up as text file on start-up rather than as an executable.

Any ideas why?


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[ djdead]djdeadAnonymous 26 Oct 2012 20:18

I have the same problem as Ribrob trying to get LiteswitchX to automatically load on reboot/login. I tried the alias approach and upon login it tries to open it as a text file.

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