
Unknown in 10.8

Unknown in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

iWebSites icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

What is iWebSites? It is a program that enhances iWeb by manipulating the website files that iWeb creates to enable a user to create multiple websites that are completely independent of each other. iWeb 1.01 shipped without this capability, but anyone who wants to use iWeb for more than a single web site can benefit from iWebSites. This is especially true for users who utilize File Transfer Prtocol, or FTP, (instead of .Mac) to publish their iWeb creations.

iWeb really was not designed with the power user in mind, but it does enable a user to quickly create beautiful web sites. With iWebSites, separate websites are kept independent of each other, and when sites are “published” to a directory (for uploading via FTP), only the site you are currently working on is published.

Version 2.4
Website http://mistergregg.com/cocoadrillosoftware/iWebSites/
Status Unknown

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