
Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Renamer4Mac icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Very nice renamer app Ben using it for years now.

Version 2.8.2
Status Works fine

0 ratings

Version 2.8.2 Fixes Lion compatibility

Updated version fixes Mountain Lion compatibility

Archived comments

No comments.5 comments

nelectronnelectronAnonymous 20 Feb 2012 20:29

Excellent !

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[ ]Fred Duck 26 Feb 2012 17:51

Whoo-hoo! This means when I'm finally forced from Snow Leopard, I can continue using one of my favourite programs! Even though I have licenses for other renaming programs, I find this version's clean interface the easiest to navigate.

I have to agree; it's a very nice renamer app, but who is Ben? Mr. Kenobi?

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[ ]Fred Duck 26 Feb 2012 17:56

Uh oh. I just tried to run it on my Lion Mac mini and it bounces several times until it eventually stops. It then disappears when I click on the dock icon.

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[ Fred Duck]Fred DuckFred Duck 18 Jun 2012 12:01

I was getting a posix error. Since I don't use Lion on a regular basis, I had no idea to look for that. x_x Why is Lion so much fussier than SL?

Now that I've grabbed a fresh copy, it works fine.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

YvesYvesAnonymous 16 Nov 2011 14:46

Version 2.8.2

Fixes Lion compatibility

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