Adobe Fireworks CS3

Unknown in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7

Adobe Fireworks CS3

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Adobe Fireworks CS3 icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

The tools you need to create expressive, highly optimized graphics for the web.

Developer Adobe Systems
Status Unknown

0 ratings

Color Picker does not reflect the color selected. This is the same problem reported with Fireworks CS4.

In Lion the marquee tool can not be resized anymore and therefore is practically useless.

Quitting the app intermittently crashes so always save before quit!

A general Lion (and up) warning: The native Fireworks file format is png which has layers. When a Fireworks png is opened in an app like Preview and the new auto save feature kicks in it does irrevocably flatten all layers and transforms the file to a mere bitmap png!

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