Adobe Dreamweaver CS3

Unknown in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store
Version 9.0.0
Developer Adobe Systems
Status Unknown

0 ratings

Archived comments

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SueSueAnonymous 24 Apr 2012 18:28

I agree with musch. I've had no problems whatsoever with Dreamweaver CS3 and Lion. I've experienced none of the issues listed above.

Jessilcah, I think Jean Claude is asking whether Dreamweaver has the ability to add a secure login to a particular page, and adding a search box to a website. Jean Claude, unfortuantely no. You have to get a programmer to add those features.

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[ Triple S]Triple SAnonymous 31 Jul 2012 14:55

So for it seems to work in Mountain Lion without problems for me!
I did not experience any problems in Lion with Dreamweaver CS3 either.

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[ Vic]VicAnonymous 17 Aug 2012 22:11

I'm using Adobe CS3 on a MacMini Server running Lion. For the first few days everything was working fine but now I can't work in Dreamweaver: it crashes every time I lunch Dreamweaver.

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[ Rob]RobAnonymous 07 Sep 2012 17:48

I'm not able to get Dreamweaver CS3 to open on Mountain Lion. All other CS3 applications open without problem, but Dreamweaver just pops up with an exclamation mark (no error description). I'm running a brand new iMac. Any suggestions?


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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ musch]muschAnonymous 23 Jul 2011 10:38

It works well on Lion. Dreamweaver CS3 version 9 build 3481

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JeffJeffjapchap 29 Jul 2011 15:11

Trying to collapse the panels (CSS, Application, Tag Inspector, Insert, Files and others) when first opening Dreamweaver without having a document open will cause Dreamweaver to crash under Lion 10.7 without fail.

I was able to open and create new files from templates, and use the Properties panel. The panels also seem to be functioning normally after I opened a document, although I did not test them all thoroughly.

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[ liquid]liquidAnonymous 29 Jul 2011 23:29

@japchap i've tried to replicate the crash by collapsing every panel both with and without a document open and in my case, this hasn't caused any form of crash. the panels behave the way their supposed to both when in collapsed or expanded forms i've even mucked about with pulling them out individually but still (in my case) dreamweaver is still up and running.

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[ ]Anonymous 03 Aug 2011 16:52

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JeffJeffjapchap 28 Aug 2011 05:21

@liquid: I see. Well, you had better luck than I did at the beginning.

Actually, after creating an HTML file, expanding the palettes, saving the file and then quitting Dreamweaver CS3, I no longer experience the crashing. It seems to be OK now.

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[ hmm]hmmAnonymous 18 Sep 2011 15:13

When I try to use Rollover in Dreamweaver CS3 on Lion, it crashes.

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[ Egidio]EgidioAnonymous 20 Sep 2011 14:07

I cannot get Dreamweaver 3 started on Lion. I get a message saying some resources are missing. I tried to reinstall it and got the same message.

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[ Jean Claude]Jean ClaudeAnonymous 17 Oct 2011 12:26

Can you please help me to know :
1.How you create new account in adobe dreamweaver cs3 (I mean giving the people who visit your website to sign up)!
2.How to active the seaching command, In the case when the people want to seach in your website, they can get the link conserning what they want to seach!!!

I want to thank you for your excellent techology you make for us in order to make the ceccess in our life!!!

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[ Jessilcah]JessilcahAnonymous 20 Dec 2011 08:30


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[ ]Anonymous 24 Jan 2012 07:36

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