Bar Code Pro

Doesn't work in 10.8

Doesn't work in 10.7

Bar Code Pro

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Bar Code Pro icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Bar Code Pro provides desktop publishers and graphic designers the bar codes required for hundreds of industrial applications. From UPC and EAN for general merchandise and retail applications, to POSTNET for mail envelopes, to Code 39 and ITF for inventory control and warehousing, Bar Code Pro 6.0 has over twenty symbologies and hundreds of variations available. Designed for use by both the savvy professional as well as the bar coding beginner, Bar Code Pro is both powerful and easy-to-use.

Version 6.1.5
Developer SNX Software
Status Doesn't work

0 ratings

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[ tlt]tltAnonymous 22 Apr 2012 20:47

Desmond Haynes from SNX went to RDC Group which sells AccuBarcode in August 2011.

He emailed: Bar Code Pro customers who want to be an AccuBarcode Pro customer will get 20% off from the regular price for the first order. To get the special offer, you may simply send a Bar Code Pro serial number and your request through email to moc.edocrabucca|senyahd#moc.edocrabucca|senyahd or moc.edocrabucca|selas#moc.edocrabucca|selas,, or call us at 732.686.6493 or -6491.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ artist1320]artist1320Anonymous 30 Jan 2012 17:38

Any suggestions as to an alternative that does work?

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[ D Zurn]D ZurnAnonymous 08 Feb 2012 17:24

I've been looking for an update as well. The batch creation barely worked, and now the website is a parked domain (no content, just search engine fodder).

The parent company is, but I can't find out anything about SNX on that website.


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