Dramatica Pro

Unknown in 10.8

Doesn't work in 10.7

Dramatica Pro

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Dramatica Pro icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Dramatica Pro software is your creative writing partner. Create great characters. Plan your plot from start to finish. Dramatica Pro blasts away those writer's blocks. Dramatica Pro is the only story development software to receive four stars from Writer's Digest magazine.

Version 4.1
Developer Write Brothers, Inc.
Website http://www.write-bros.com/
Status Unknown

0 ratings

Company states that the next version will be compatible but offers no release date.

Archived comments

No comments.3 comments

Ken H.Ken H.Anonymous 26 Jul 2012 17:12

Dramatica 4.1 does work on Snow Leopard with the latest update installed. We just released a new version of the software called Dramatica Story Expert 5 which does work on 10.7 (Lion) and Mountain Lion (10.8).

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Imran AnwarImran AnwarAnonymous 03 Sep 2012 02:57

The Dramatica person Ken who commented about releasing a new version of the software called Dramatica Story Expert conveniently forgets to mention that there is no upgrade for people who invested in Dramatica Pro. Others may, but I am not going to spend more money to buy this replacement at full price just because the publisher did not upgrade the existing software for the current OS versions.


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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ JG]JGAnonymous 16 Aug 2011 05:53

Actually Dramatica 4.1 has been broken since Snow Leopard. Even tried their 4.1s version - no joy. Their DRM is so screwed up they pretty much only manage to screw their paying customers. Never again.

It's "officially" not working with Lion at all. Zero ETA. They make Adobe look good.


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