[ Chukuta]ChukutaAnonymous 19 Mar 2012 23:44
Skipe works just fine for me
Works fine in 10.8
Works fine in 10.7
I'm putting the finishing touches on the all-new RoaringApps, with support for Mavericks & iOS 7.
Try it out now and help me squash some bugs.
Created by bcammo on 14 Jan 2011 04:02.
Last updated by bcammo on 16 Jul 2013 03:08.
This is the developer's only listed app.
Supports iCloud
Secured by Gatekeeper
Supports retina graphics
Skype allows you to talk to friends, family, and co-workers across the internet without the inconvenience of long distance telephone charges. Using peer-to-peer technology for data transmission, Skype eliminates the central server as a middle manager. | |
Skype Ltd. | |
http://www.skype.com | |
Works fine |
0 rating
- Latest version adds Full Screen Support & Works great with Mountain Lion
- Doesn't have Notification Center Support (It should replace built-in notifcation with Notifcation Center Mountain Lion)
- Can't see the conversations on Mountain Lion
- Works fine with the new version
- Screen sharing feature broken in Mac OS X Lion (10.7); only displays black screen to recipient. Please add workarounds in comments if you find any or create one (like a patch or hack) yourself.
- Screen sharing feature broken in Mac OS X Mountain Lion (10.8). It freezes the app.
-Some problems with Retina Macbook Pro
- Works properly apart from lagging while scrolling in the contact list
[ Chukuta]ChukutaAnonymous 19 Mar 2012 23:44
Skipe works just fine for me
[ ]LeoTTK 26 Mar 2012 15:58
Latest version works with some problems. If you try to share your screen, it crashes immediately on 10.8 DP1
[ shmerls]shmerlsshmerls 19 May 2012 03:29
This is from Skype's site and makes no sense to me:
"We advised our Skype for Mac OS X customers to upgrade to the latest version of Skype. Some of you who have upgraded to Skype 5.0 or above won’t be able to sign in because Skype 5.0 or above runs on Intel-based systems, with Leopard, Snow Leopard or Lion operating systems installed. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused."
So are they saying Skype 5 only works on non-intel machines? That makes no sense because SL and Lion only work on Intel Macs. Leopard works on PPCs though. I've been using Skype on my Mac Pro for years which is intel based, so I'm totally confused. But just updated to 5.7.
Plus they mention having to set your sound prefs up in System Preferences, but it sounds (no pun) like once you do your sound will be OK.
Anyone using 5.7 with Lion with any success?
[ ]Anonymous 26 Jul 2012 19:13
Issue with Skype latching the audio - microphone specifically using 10.8. Video fine.
[ Sidney Phillips]Sidney PhillipsAnonymous 27 Jul 2012 22:32
1 problem I'm having in Skype with Mountain Lion is when I scroll down the list of contacts the screen bleeds all the pictures together and is garbled. I'm running Skype
[ Geo]GeoAnonymous 28 Jul 2012 12:30
Does somebody know if Skype 2.8 works on Mountain Lion ?
LaustLaustAnonymous 03 Aug 2012 06:43
I got the old Skype running just great in 10.8.0.
Jon ErikJon ErikAnonymous 19 Sep 2012 18:29
Sidney Phillips: I got the exact same issue. Got any fix?
[ the dude]the dudeAnonymous 11 Nov 2012 04:05
Ok i have 10.7.5 ; when i had 10.7.4 skype was still working (skype version but when i had update to 10.7.5 my skype auto crash when clicking the icon i remove it and reinstall but still doesnt work
it had work for a couple of minute and crash again and now i click the icon and it quit even before starting the app ………..
i don know if it apple or skype ( i think more of apple )
[ ]yopp 25 Feb 2011 19:40
Crashed at first run, then works slow but fine.
[ AlcoolGeek]AlcoolGeekAlcoolGeek 26 Feb 2011 15:50
works fine for me call/webcam
[ Hussein]HusseinAnonymous 28 Feb 2011 13:19
What Macs are you using?
[ Murilo]MuriloAnonymous 02 Mar 2011 00:26
Isn't working-macbook late 2009
[ Paulo Montenegro]Paulo MontenegroAnonymous 02 Mar 2011 08:26
Works fine here - MPB Santa Rosa - late 2007
capzcapzAnonymous 08 Mar 2011 22:39
crashes on call initiation
[ Hussein]HusseinAnonymous 11 Mar 2011 13:01
It works but crashes often. Occasionally, get white screens rather than video.
[ JC]JCAnonymous 13 Mar 2011 17:52
Crashes every time at launch, at the end of the "startup sound" MacBook Air 11
[ nicolas]nicolasnrolland 15 Mar 2011 11:17
crash @ first run then OK. macbook air 11
[ Omar]OmarAnonymous 31 Mar 2011 19:32
Not working on Lion preview 2, hangs on sign on.
[ Emilio]EmilioAnonymous 01 Apr 2011 08:24
As Omar reporting: hangs on sign on with Lion Preview 2
[ ]Anonymous 02 Apr 2011 13:50
2.8 works on Lion Preview 2:
[ tazjin]tazjinAnonymous 10 Apr 2011 12:23
Skype _does_ work, if you can not sign in open the Skype preferences, go to 'Advanced' and UNCHECK "Use Skype Access to connect to Wi-Fi hotspots"
Screenshot: http://d.pr/KDom
Skype version is
Problem solved.
[ Ali nS]Ali nSAnonymous 05 May 2011 01:32
screensharing does not work under lion dev2 :(
[ chris]chrisAnonymous 07 Jun 2011 11:41
doesn't work for me under 11A480b (dev4)
[ chris]chrisAnonymous 07 Jun 2011 13:23
disregard earlier comment, that was skypes problem, server side, not client side.
all working fine in 11A480b
[ ]Anonymous 19 Jun 2011 14:04
Some problems with fullscreen videocall. It crash when you go to fullscreen
[ Carlos Vargas]Carlos VargasAnonymous 24 Jun 2011 14:14
Works ok, but has some minor issues…
It completely freezes the system if you go fullscreen on videocall.
[ ScifiterX]ScifiterXScifiterX 05 Jul 2011 17:12
Skype updated to someone with Lion might want to test it again.
[ James]JamesAnonymous 06 Jul 2011 20:08
Any word on Skype 2.8 compatibility with Lion? I refuse to update to version 5.0+ because of the unsightly UI.
[ Marian]MarianAnonymous 16 Jul 2011 01:18
Version on Lion GM - CPU is constantly at 100% even when idling. Other than it works, but not usable to keep it open due to high CPU usage. MacbookPro 4,1.
[ gopher]gophergopher 16 Jul 2011 19:18
Version of Skype also works with 11a494.
[ gopher]gophergopher 16 Jul 2011 19:23
Version works, but only after two relaunched on 11a494a
[ Marian]MarianAnonymous 19 Jul 2011 06:18
Any news? Anyone else having high CPU usage with Skype started?
[ Mattias]MattiasAnonymous 20 Jul 2011 04:51
I would love to get some further information about how version (18210) runs under Lion GM? And about the newest version, I reckon it doesn't even run smooth on Snow Leopard. Such a piece of junk.
[ Josh Kritner]Josh KritnerAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 20:44
Skype seems to run OK on Lion 11A511 (10.7.0 Release) so far. The only thing I've noticed is that I have to restart the camera after coming back from hold, otherwise it doesn't send video. As of the last release of Snow Leopard this only happened occasionally. Probably not an issue for most people who don't have to spend hours on it at a time.
[ Reimo]ReimoAnonymous 22 Jul 2011 08:37
Takes too much resources.
[ MisterG]MisterGAnonymous 24 Jul 2011 13:32
1.5 hours without problems using "latest" version 2… removed v5 ages ago as it was a PoP :(
[ Herbert]HerbertAnonymous 25 Jul 2011 16:10
Version uses 100% of CPU if i put it from the dock in the foreground. there is no conversation no call or video. only putting it in the foreground. If it runs in the background all works well. MacBook Air Late 2010
[ Michael]MichaelAnonymous 26 Jul 2011 13:45
Skype has added my local area code to ALL the numbers from my Address Book. I started back in November 2010 with that version, and Skype has not been able to provide a fix that works.
[ The_Ben]The_BenAnonymous 26 Jul 2011 20:56
Is Screen Sharing working for anyone in v2.8 on Lion? I'm using the retail version of Lion and the latest revision or v2.8 found on the Skype website.
[ chris]chrisAnonymous 26 Jul 2011 23:38
Mostly works fine, however the display of chat messages can break horribly while on a call.
[ rapid10]rapid10Anonymous 31 Jul 2011 17:03
black display … macbook pro hangs … this problem appears only if i have started Skype
StanStanAnonymous 08 Aug 2011 12:15
New macbook pro (bought in June) with 8Go RAM.
Skype 5.2 latest version.
Works but slow. Very slow with more than one chat open.
Big CPU usage. Huge CPU when video is on.
[ K]KAnonymous 09 Aug 2011 21:04
not getting screen share on lion either
[ Stan]StanAnonymous 12 Aug 2011 09:12
Updated to Skype 5.3
Not only the UI is worse than ever (a huge step back in terms of usability), but it's also very very slow
[ Bastian]BastianAnonymous 19 Aug 2011 09:31
So does this version work or not? The status suggests yes but the comments make me doubt that…
[ J]JAnonymous 25 Aug 2011 13:22
Skype causes high cpu usage, it takes like 15% proccessor time, very laggy on Lion 10.7.1
[ ]waveman 13 Sep 2011 18:25
Problems when using screen sharing, especially in a full screen mode. It crashes after couple of minutes, depends how lucky you are. I had the same experience in Snow Leopard so this must be a bug which is not related to Lion itself - doesn't work properly anyway.
[ miguel]miguelAnonymous 20 Sep 2011 12:22
Won't launch at all. Lion 10.7.1 on early 2011 MacBook Pro 2.3g
[ Ylan]YlanAnonymous 15 Oct 2011 17:10
Swipe between conversations doesn't work.
[ Mauricio]MauricioAnonymous 25 Oct 2011 20:12
Skype hangs … is really bothering me because it doesn´t work properly and if you´re trying to dial sometimes doesn´t work and crashes. Is there a good solution? Mac Os X Version 10.7.2.
[ DesiStX]DesiStXAnonymous 08 Nov 2011 12:35
Skype adds my local area code in front of ALL my Address Book numbers, whether they have one already or not. This occurred with the first update I did in Lion, and has persisted through the latest update. I have $14 in credit but I have to manually dial in order to make a call. PITA!
[ Aangiix3]Aangiix3(account deleted) 21 Jan 2012 16:26
Fixed Version Number.