Kensington Mouseworks

Doesn't work in 10.8

Doesn't work in 10.7

Kensington Mouseworks

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Kensington Mouseworks icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Software which adds extended functionality to Kensington pointing devices.

Version 3.0r1
Status Doesn't work

0 ratings

The old version which has not been updated since May of 2006 is not Universal Binary. The new version, "Trackball Works" adds no real extended functionality (no macros, chording, etc.)

Archived comments

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[ Big Russ]Big RussAnonymous 06 Oct 2012 18:36

The Kensington Expert Mouse PRO and Lion do work together. Including all 6 DIRECT LAUNCH buttons, and the 4 mouse buttons around the track ball. I haven't figured out how to get the scroll wheel to work, but that can most likely work as well. You do NOT need the Kensington software in order to make it work either. My solution was to use Keyboard Maestro purchased from their web site. 

First a note about Keyboard Maestro. To run correctly, it can't be sandboxes. You need to purchase it directly from the developer. They are

Second, the Kensington does fully work, all buttons, but Keyboard Maestro is a bit buggy, but I have work arounds, so you will get the Expert Mouse pro working just fine.

Load and launch Keyboard Maestro. (KBM). Launch the editor. The bug with Keyboard Maestro is you need to put a pause in between each command. I use a .5 second command. IN ADDITION, when you want to type text of some kind, do not tell Keyboard Maestro to paste in the text, have it TYPE it in. You get that option. If you follow both my rules above, your expert mouse pro will work. Keyboard Maestro also replaces my Quickeys 4.0, but that is another store.

I will offer an example to make the button at the top right of the track ball a double click. I am not a TEC writer, so I will do my best. Launch KBM. First click on the bottom left plus sign to add a Group. Rename it to MACROS FOR ALL PROGRAMS. Create a shortcut with KBM by clicking the center plus sign for ADD MACRO. Give it a name. I called mine DOUBLE CLICK. If you look closely you will see a green plus sign with the command NEW TRIGGER. Click it to open a pull down menu. The second from the bottom option is DEVICE TRIGGER. You will be using this option for all the track ball functions to work. Notice the blue box that shows up and says NONE. While it is blue, press the button that is the top right button of the track ball, or any button you want to become a double click on the Kensington Expert Mouse, (KEM). The word NONE is replaced with USB/PS2 WHEEL MOUSE BUTTON 5. Now, YOU ARE NOT DONE! Just to the right, is a double arrow and next to it are the words that say IS PRESSED. Click on the words and change them to IS RELEASED. OK, you now have a button on the Expert Mouse programed, but it is doing nothing. Now you need to do your first action. The first action must be a PAUSE. If you don't put one, KBM sometimes does not work. To put a pause in, click on the DISPLAY HIDE ACTION LIST plus sign at the bottom right plus sign. On the left, click on the folder called CONTROL FLOW. The list of actions the first item is PAUSE. double click it. Change the time from 1.5 seconds to .5 seconds. In the Categories section click on INTERFACE CONTROL. In the center, double click on MOVE OR CLICK MOUSE. This action will show up in the right window. You need to make 4 changes here. Where it says CLICK, click on it and change it to DOUBLE CLICK. Where it says FRONT WINDOW'S TOP LEFT CENTER click on it and change it to CURRENT MOUSE LOCATION. And as a CyA, click on bot box that says RESTORE MOUSE LOCATION.

Your KEM now does a double click when you press the top right mouse button.

To type text, or what ever, using the direct launch buttons, at the step for new trigger, push the direct launch button of your choice. Instead of a mouse click, insert an INSERT TEXT command and type your text. Remember, KBM will not PASTE correctly, so change the command to TYPE IT IN, as instructed above. If you have any questions, or have any cool macros that can do really great things with you KEM, please email me back at moc.oohay|retsetegabrag#moc.oohay|retsetegabrag. Put EXPERT MOUSE in the subject and it will get read. Russ

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Expert mouse]Expert mouseAnonymous 25 Jul 2011 06:07

Doesn't work help!

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Expert MouseExpert MouseAnonymous 25 Jul 2011 06:10

help doesn't work

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RobRobAnonymous 25 Jul 2011 06:17

macros, chording a must I'm using Audition for Mac
Unless there's some special finger moves
In Lion to get my recording done I'm dead in the water
This blows. Fix it! Expert Mouse was working fine.
Now it can't find a driver

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[ Try "TrackballWorks?"]Try "TrackballWorks?"Anonymous 26 Sep 2011 02:50

If you search the Kensington site for "expert mouse" (on Software & Drivers page), you should see TrackballWorks BETA for Mac, dated Jul 10, 2011. I have an Expert Mouse, and I just installed it, and it's working for me on Lion! You'll see the "Trackball Works" pane in System Prefs and it seems to recognize the device.

Even though it's in beta, so far so good….

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[ Jack]JackAnonymous 28 Nov 2011 12:18

I am using a Turbo Mouse Pro and TrackballWorks doesn't recognize it so no go. However, USB overdrive DOES work on Lion and is at least letting me do some of the things I used to be able to do with MouseWorks. No chording as yet but I am working on it and may send an email to the developer to see if he can address this. USB Overdrive also let's you change the function of the buttons by application and that helps a lot too.

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