QuickTime Player

Some problems in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

QuickTime Player

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

QuickTime Player icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Watch Internet video, HD movie trailers, and personal media clips. Whether it’s on the web or on your desktop, QuickTime Player brings your digital media brilliantly to life.

Version 10.1
Developer Apple
Website http://www.apple.com/quicktime/
Status Some problems

0 ratings

I get consistent freezes in the entire OS when 'sharing' a video to youtube. I've tested in Safemode as well.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

SeraphielSeraphielAnonymous 27 May 2011 10:04

It says that version 7.6.6 has some problems under Lion. Would like to know what problems, because there is a lot of functionality missing in QuickTime 10.1 that version 7.6.6 has. Therefore many people still use this older version.

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[ Michael]MichaelAnonymous 24 Jun 2011 03:29

At the present I have trouble playing .avi files. Movies will open but when I click play they instantly pause.

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Olivier LacanOlivier Lacanolivierlacan 26 Jun 2011 20:36

Works fine with .mov files for now except there are a few annoying bugs with fast-forwarding (using a single swipe right). It toggles the back/forward panel and sometimes the panel doesn't go back to the standard player control panel. Leaving you unable to pause or do basically anything.

Clicking the back/foward bar sometimes brings back the controls, but not all the time.

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[ gopher]gophergopher 16 Jul 2011 19:41

Version 10.1 (500) works fine in 11a494a Lion.

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[ Joy.T]Joy.TAnonymous 25 Jul 2011 16:55

10.7 lion apple quicktime player with the magic mouse, when used with a bug …
Quicktime player will not respond, but use the usb mouse with no problem

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[ Walter]WalterAnonymous 03 Aug 2011 03:39

No play avi.

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[ CHILE]CHILEAnonymous 06 Aug 2011 12:38

En algunos archivos avi y mpg, al hacer play se regresa a pausa, impidiendo la reproducción del archivo.

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[ NWB]NWBAnonymous 17 Oct 2011 00:21

10.7 lion (11B26)- Lion GM.
it open .avi files if i open them from the quicktime player.
If i press file-open file and select avi. it works.
if i right click file and select open with quicktime 10.1 it crashes and error comes up
and mine works with my magic mouse too

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[ DLar]DLarAnonymous 01 Feb 2012 19:52

I've been told that the upgrade to QT 7.6.8 buggered QT's ability to read Legacy .mov files. It was supposed to be fixed in the Lion 10.7.2 upgrade - haven't done it, so I can't say.

I had no trouble using QT when I was on 7.6.4… now I'm hooped. 1000's of QT files that QT doesn't see (Yeah!) Can't seem to get rid of the current version either - I've tried re-installing 7.6.4, but it hasn't worked.

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