Some problems in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

WBFS icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Mac OSX app to manage WB filesystem (nintendo backup files)

Download from http://www.mediafire.com/?d5od2lty5mi

0 ratings

Use sudo in terminal

sudo /Users/?????/WBFS for MacOS X v1.2/WBFS for MacOS X.app/Contents/MacOS/WBFS for MacOS X

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[ Josh]JoshAnonymous 28 Feb 2012 00:01

The app loads fine but will no longer detect a WBFS drive in mountain lion. Basically making this app useless. App hasn't been updated in forever so I see this app at it's end of life for anyone upgrading to ML.

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[ Marcus]MarcusAnonymous 27 Jun 2012 15:19

Hi Mitch, please update your great app to 10.8 !!!! Thanks a lot !

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[ alexiel]alexielAnonymous 22 Jul 2012 19:55

it makes 2 hours i dont understand why all my wii backup manager are not showing the WBFS drive that works perfectly on my wii, i just got the answer… impossible to mount a WBFS drive on Mountain lion …. thats a problem for sure…

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Pedro RodriguesPedro RodriguesAnonymous 01 Aug 2012 00:16

I have the same problem.
Impossible to mount a WBFS drive on Mountain.. :(

Anyone knows about a similar program, but to work with PSP files, get covers and copy to ISO folder at PSP ?

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[ pikkolo]pikkoloAnonymous 01 Aug 2012 08:21

Please update this app to Mountain Lion, thanks¡

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[ Gorka]GorkaAnonymous 02 Aug 2012 07:26


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[ Zoetedingen]ZoetedingenAnonymous 02 Aug 2012 15:00

:( also for me

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[ Abel MacBerry]Abel MacBerryAnonymous 05 Aug 2012 12:29

Same issue here :( hard drive works perfectly on wii but the computer doesn't recognise it since mountain lion were installed. HELP!!! XD thanks in advance.

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[ Jeroen]JeroenAnonymous 07 Aug 2012 18:45

Here 2… please update

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[ StealthyAqua]StealthyAquaAnonymous 10 Aug 2012 19:41

Yeah, Mountain Lion killed this program, an update would be VERY much appreciated!

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[ timeless]timelessAnonymous 17 Aug 2012 14:24

Yes please update. I love your app and now I can't use it anymore =(

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[ Mwa]MwaAnonymous 18 Aug 2012 17:07

Yes Please update the app cause we NEED it for our wii……

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[ Cincoduros]CincodurosAnonymous 22 Aug 2012 19:21

Thanks guys… I was getting crazy looking for an explanation… seems that the new cat in town was the reason… UPDATE NOW !

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[ BazCaz]BazCazAnonymous 28 Aug 2012 11:22

run the program with sudo


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[ ]Anonymous 28 Aug 2012 11:24


sudo /Users/?????/WBFS\ for\ MacOS\ X\ v1.2/WBFS\ for\ MacOS\ X.app/Contents/MacOS/WBFS\ for\ MacOS\ X

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[ Pepe]PepeAnonymous 25 Sep 2012 03:45

Run terminal… copy paste the line below… enter your password. Done.

sudo "/Applications/WBFS for MacOS X.app/Contents/MacOS/WBFS for MacOS X"

You're welcome.

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Gonzalo RobainaGonzalo RobainaAnonymous 23 Oct 2012 01:07

Thanks Pepe, that works fine!

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[ Ryan]RyanAnonymous 27 Oct 2012 23:02

Thanks Pepe! It works beautifully :)

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[ Matt]MattAnonymous 11 Nov 2012 22:20

Sudo only brings up the app. It still can't see the drive.

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[ Aimee]AimeeAnonymous 14 Nov 2012 17:27

Thanks, Pepe! It brought up the app and I was able to see the drive!

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[ Gorka]GorkaAnonymous 20 Nov 2012 21:30

Thanks Pepe!!!!

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[ Mike]MikeAnonymous 24 Nov 2012 16:10

I try this and it has me enter my password the first time, but then says "command not found"

any ideas?

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[ John]JohnAnonymous 26 Nov 2012 14:13

Here's my solution. Pretty simple too. Copy the downloaded app to the /Applications folder, open Apple Script Editor (located in the /Applications/Utilities folder) and copy the code below:

do shell script "/Applications/WBFS\ for\ MacOS\ X.app/Contents/MacOS/WBFS\ for\ MacOS\ X" with administrator privileges

Save as an application. I saved mine in the /Applications folder with a slightly different name.

If you want to get really sophisticated, you can do the following:
1. In finder, with the original app selected, open the info tab (cmd+i) click on the icon, and copy (cmd+c). Then under Attributes click on Invisible.

2. Now on the app you created with Applescript, open the info tab, click on the icon, and now paste (cmd+v). Now the WBFS Manager app that appears in the folder will launch WBFS Manager with administrator privileges.

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[ gimo]gimoAnonymous 02 Dec 2012 22:42

mountain lion sucks big time!! its even more a restrictive and closed OS than anything else. Shame on you Apple!!

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