Citrix Online Plug-in

Unknown in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7

Citrix Online Plug-in

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Citrix Online Plug-in icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Citrix Online Plug-in to access Citrix Servers.

0 ratings

Crashes constantly with Safari and Chrome. Latest Firefox is a bit better but not much. A workaround for Safari is to uninstall online plug-in 11.2 and install citrix viewer 11.3.2 from Mac App Store and manually start the Citrix view (see comments)

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Tyler]TylerAnonymous 25 Jul 2011 02:56

Citrix plugin worked great on Safari or Firefox prior to upgrading to Lion OS 10.7. Now will only work intermittently with Firefoxthe app allows log in on Safari, but will not open the connection with the server.

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[ David]DavidAnonymous 03 Aug 2011 01:19

Yes I've had the same problem and my IT people have no idea how to fix it.Good luck getting anything from Citrix. It's a maze at their website to get any help.

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[ Knut]KnutAnonymous 05 Aug 2011 09:38

My problem is that the online-plug in crashes when using Safari 5.1. Mayby this is a workaround (but not a solution) to the problem:

- Removed the Online-plugin in 11.2 from "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins" directory.
- Removed the Setting panel for Citrix Internet Plug-In in by alt+right clicking it in preferenes and then choosing remove.
- Installed Citrix Receiver 11.3.2 fro Mac App Store

When I now trying to login using Safari + Webaccess login, it will download a citrix.ica file, which I then can manually start. This will launch the Citrix Viewer.

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[ David]DavidAnonymous 10 Aug 2011 02:57

same problem here according to our user Citrix Reveiver stopped working after Safari 5.1 upgrade.

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[ Daniel]DanielAnonymous 28 Sep 2011 14:40

11.4 is available on citrix homepage, fixed my crashing problem.

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