Wacom Tablet Utility

Some problems in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

Wacom Tablet Utility

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Wacom Tablet Utility icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Appears to work fine with Photoshop CS 5.

Version 6.3.2
Developer Wacom
Website http://www.wacom.com
Status Some problems

0 ratings

System preferences crashes when plugin in a tablet. Installing new drivers did not fix anything. Tablet software not recognized.

There is a lagging when using tablet on program like Photoshop or painter. When using stylus button and press the tip, the stylus isn't work. It's much slower responding than before.

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[http://slrdwrds.shiftfocus.ca ]Shiftfocus Media 01 Aug 2012 15:12

Working fine on 10.8 on a current-gen 27" iMac; exception being the need to disable Gatekeeper to install.

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[ Miro]MiroAnonymous 09 Aug 2012 20:17

I'm getting strange mouse issues every now and then with Mountain Lion. The mouse will track but the left click stops working and the right click starts to act like the left click. The mouse pad on my MBP stops responding completely. I've also had kernel panics after this happens. I've removed the wacom driver to see if it's the source of the problems.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Richard Lennox]Richard LennoxAnonymous 26 Jul 2011 15:40

will Wacom tablets work under Lion (using 6.1.4 driver which is not rated for 10.7 Lion)?

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[ Tom Schleich]Tom SchleichAnonymous 26 Jul 2011 18:50

Wacom driver version 6.1.6-4 appears to work fine with Photoshop CS 5 under Lion.

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Paul EverettPaul EverettAnonymous 11 Aug 2011 02:41

Hi using Wacom Intuos 3 Tablet with driver 6.1.6-4 on Lion, all cool except some weird dragging issues: cannot drag applications out of launchpad folders. Get the shaky apps in iTunes when scrolling though in the device app list (this was an issue in 10.6)

ALL ok except for the dragging. Using full-time for all applications.

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