
Some problems in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Mail icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Mail makes it easy to manage all your email from a single, ad-free inbox, even when you’re not connected to the Internet. It features powerful new search capabilities. It works with most email standards – including POP3 and IMAP – and popular email services such as Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, and AOL Mail and iCloud. And if you have more than one email account, no problem. Add your accounts to Mail and you’ll be able to access all your email from one place.

Version 5.0
Developer Apple
Status Some problems

0 ratings

Stopped working for me on the 3rd of August, seems its stopped for many others also. Apple forums have no fixes as yet

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[ Pete S]Pete SAnonymous 18 Aug 2012 12:16

Major problems setting up O2 account on MacMail 6 on Mountain Lion. Reports unable to send emails via the server, and to check the SMTP settings, yet connection doctor says its OK. I managed to get it working for a short time, having told Mail to use custom port 25, even though 25 is supposedly a standard port in Mail.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

Scott WilcoxScott WilcoxAnonymous 28 Feb 2011 08:05

There seems to be a few niggles when using Mail with an Exchange account. When attempting to 'Change flags' as seen in Activity monitor, it'll stall the connection and need to be restarted.

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[ Martin]MartinAnonymous 23 Jul 2011 15:51

Mail's Activity window remains visible in all programs, even with "Hide Others" activated. The window floats, but is not clickable. Clicking on the window takes me to the Finder, not to Mail - which would be the expected behavior.

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[ Ivan H]Ivan HTimeRider 25 Jul 2011 08:29

Notes in Mail are no longer searchable, after OS X Lion upgrade!

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[ ToDo has gone to iCal, bad, bad, bad!]ToDo has gone to iCal, bad, bad, bad!TimeRider 26 Jul 2011 06:56

I used to put some incoming emails or notes as ToDo under Reminders in Mail 4.5. It's an essential feature of Mail 4.5 and you were told of such convenience in Apple Retail Stores. All a sudden, it's gone. Though not disappeared, they remain in iCal Reminder. It's bad, bad, bad!

I may need to put up an OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard in a virtual machine to bring it back!

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[ ]Anonymous 03 Aug 2011 14:09

Mail does not work properly in Lion…. It crashes at least 10-15 times a day. All of my POP3 email accounts apart from now report connectivity problems and despite checking all settings (which were correct) no longer work.

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