DNA Strider

Unknown in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7

DNA Strider

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

DNA Strider icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store
Version 1.59.2
Website http://sourceforge.net/projects/dnastrider/
Status Unknown

0 ratings

Previous versions of DNA strider (1.4.xx) do not work on Lion since they are PPC apps. Unfortunately, DNA strider 1.59.2 does not read DNA strider files directly.

Archived comments

No comments.41 comments

[ Dambreizh]DambreizhAnonymous 20 Feb 2012 15:00

Well…for a simple usage to make constructs etc…nothing beats Strider. Sur, Ape is OK, but except if they recently added it, as far as I remember, one could not do simple protein-protein alignment…and I use it a lot ! So…I am a happy Snow Leopard user: I can absolutely work without Lion, but not without Strider !

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[ Scrawny Kayaker]Scrawny KayakerAnonymous 30 Mar 2012 16:09

A former labmate just sent me this link. Looks like a better substitute for Strider than Ape, based on only 10 minutes of testing:


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[ Jan Lowe]Jan LoweAnonymous 02 Apr 2012 14:32

Good news: I have just received DNA Strider 1.5a7 from Christan Marck.
It does run on Lion. More soon.

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[ Ted Cupper]Ted CupperAnonymous 04 Apr 2012 23:27

Hi Jan Lowe,

Would you describe how to get the new DNA Strider 1.5a7 from Christan Marck?

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[ Alex Kiresuk]Alex KiresukAnonymous 04 May 2012 16:02

Hi Jan Lowe,

Please update us on how to get DNA Strider 1.5a7 from Christan Marck. We have purchased some new Macs and would like to use Strider on them.

Thank You-

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[ jsg]jsgAnonymous 08 May 2012 17:43

Like many others here, I am exceedingly eager to learn how to get the new Lion-compatible Strider.

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[ Strider Lover]Strider LoverAnonymous 30 May 2012 13:38

Does anyone know if anything is happening with making a new Lion-compatible DNA Strider version? Thanks.

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[ DNA Strider Fan]DNA Strider FanAnonymous 08 Jun 2012 20:52

To get the latest version (pre-release version 1.5a7 as of April 2012) email Christian Marck at rf.egnaro|redirts.and#rf.egnaro|redirts.and

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[ Jan Lowe]Jan LoweAnonymous 02 Jul 2012 19:17

Dear all,
just been in contact with Christian. I will be able to post the new email address where DNA Strider version 1.5 (Lion compatible) may be requested in early September. Christian is readying the final version and I can say from personal experience with version 1.5a8 that things are looking good. Just a little bit more patience required, sorry.

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[ Lu]LuAnonymous 22 Aug 2012 04:48

Hi, any news on the new version will be much appreciated!

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[ where-o-where]where-o-whereAnonymous 22 Aug 2012 13:34

Jan, that is great news! I am eagerly waiting.

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Julian JordanJulian JordanAnonymous 20 Sep 2012 12:31

This is an applescript droplet I wrote which could be helpful - drop a mac classic strider file onto it to have the sequence extracted from the other less useful control characters etc. and have the new data re-saved as a .dnas before opening in (for example) DNAStrider_Intel.

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[ Mark ]Mark **Anonymous** 03 Oct 2012 14:27

The good news is that DNA Strider 1.5a9 is out from: rf.egnaro|redirts.and#rf.egnaro|redirts.and

But….I quote from the users guide:

Good news …

Presently (first quarter 2012), DNA Strider 1.5 (Intel version) runs on Mac OS X.4, X.5, X.6 and X.7. For users
running Mac OS X.4 on Macs featuring a PowerPC processor, a special version is available upon request. “Intel” or
“PowerPC” is displayed in the first line of the About DNA Strider 1.5 Dialog. This version will not be able to run
on Mac OS X.8 (see below).

Bad news …
Presently (first quarter 2012), Apple has announced that the 32-bit environment will be dropped in Mac OS X.8
(AKA Mountain Lion), the follower of Mac OS X.7 (AKA Lion). That is to say that all C/C++ sofwares
developped with the Apple Carbon framework will not run on Mac OS X.8 Mountain Lion (scheduled to
appear in late summer 2012). A number of popular and useful scientific softwares widely used in universities and
laboratories will therefore stop working (including DNA Strider). I may be wrong but I fear I am not !
Keep also in mind that it will be probably impossible to re-install OS X.7 on the machines sold with Mac OS X.8
installed. So, buy more Mac OS running Mac OS X.7 right now and stick to OS X.7 (or even OS X.6 !) if you wish
to use Strider a few years more.

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[ Jan Lowe]Jan LoweAnonymous 12 Oct 2012 17:14

I did test 1.5a9 on a ML (10.8) machine and it did run just fine. The machine was not bought with 10.8, but upgraded, so this may not be definitive.

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[ Kris]KrisAnonymous 15 Oct 2012 15:41

Can someone please share where I can download 1.5a9


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[ Aaron Smith]Aaron SmithAnonymous 24 Oct 2012 18:31

I emailed Christian last night at rf.egnaro|redirts.and#rf.egnaro|redirts.and and I had a reply from him this morning containing the Mountain Lion (10.8.2) compatible DNA Strider (1.5a12) in a .zip file. Installed and works fine.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

Connie MissimerConnie MissimerAnonymous 17 Sep 2011 17:15

So disappointed at lack of functionality. Is an update in the works?


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[ Mike Gibson]Mike GibsonAnonymous 08 Oct 2011 08:10

Yes, very minimal. I can not upgrade to Lion, ever, if I am to loose DNA Strider 1.4 because of the lack of Rosetta.

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[ Mark]MarkAnonymous 19 Oct 2011 09:59

Not having DNA Strider 1.4 on Lion is a disaster for me. I have 15 years' worth of strider files and think with it. I will have to keep an old mac just to work with DNA.

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[ Jacob Seeler]Jacob SeelerAnonymous 23 Oct 2011 09:24

I have twenty years' worth of Strider files and I've tried v1.59 - it's *NOT* the same because it has lost the simplicity and beauty of the original interface. (My favorite dictum: 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it!')

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE with sugar on top: could we get a v1.4 for Lion?

Tell me where we need to pass the hat around to get Christian Marck et al. to do this for us!!

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[ Mark]MarkAnonymous 28 Oct 2011 09:37

I have tried 3 known emails for Christian Marck - all failed. The last contact I had was in 2005 - I will try emailing all his colleagues to find a contact.

I am trying EnzymeX 3 - but it is just not the same.

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[ DNA Strider Afficionado]DNA Strider AfficionadoAnonymous 28 Oct 2011 14:44

I too have 10 years of DNA Strider files that I can't access now. I just tried v 1.59.2 and it won't open my Strider files. I too tried emailing Christian Marck and the address failed (despite working before in August 2011). I too love Strider and want to keep using it! Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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[ Solution to keep datas!!!]Solution to keep datas!!!Anonymous 01 Nov 2011 12:24

Hello ,
I'm french guy and i have the same problem. I have the solution. YOu download this soft. It's soft for cloning (serial cloner) like DNA strider and this program reads DNA strider files
The link


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[ PJ]PJAnonymous 03 Nov 2011 05:11

Serial Cloner is OK for DNA sequences only. so forget about protein sequences and degenerate DNA sequences…
Not to mention that it's not as intuitive and easy to use as Strider to my opinion. But it might just be because I've been using Strider for so long now that it's simply the best for me.
it's really too bad christian mark didn't release a universal or an intel version of his software…
i just tried to send him an email, but the email address I had is not valid anymore…
Mark, please keep us updated if you find a valid address and if Christian Mark replies to you…

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[ Mark]MarkAnonymous 03 Nov 2011 08:23

Good news. Christian Marck has been made aware of the problem. He is retired now, but I think that we might persuade him to update DNA Strider 1.4 for OS X Lion. I will update when I have more news.

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[ matt frieman]matt friemanAnonymous 05 Nov 2011 03:30

Please let me know when this goes through too! ude.dnalyramu.mos|nameirfm#ude.dnalyramu.mos|nameirfm

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[ Matt]MattAnonymous 16 Nov 2011 09:46

This is not the real DNA Strider. Complete lack of functionality. DNA Strider 1.4 requires Rosetta - which ends with Lion. Another sacrifice for iApple ?

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[ Mark]MarkAnonymous 23 Nov 2011 09:15

Still no word from Christian. I have been too busy to chase this but I will try again this week. In the meantime I found a compromise for my system: I cloned my old OS X 10.6.8 system onto my new Lion computer using Carbon Copy Cloner. I no longer have Lion, but I can run the real DNA Strider 1.4 .

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[ User McUser]User McUserAnonymous 02 Dec 2011 19:18

You know what would help? If Dr. Marck would just open source this thing already.

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[ Disappointed again!]Disappointed again!Anonymous 17 Dec 2011 06:35

Well, just loaded Lion and like everyone else here I've discovered I've lost my Strider! Shit. However, at least the files aren't totally lost. One can open Strider files using TextEdit. At least the sequence information can be copied and pasted into some other DNA analysis application until, hopefully, Strider is resurrected.

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[ Jan Lowe]Jan LoweAnonymous 17 Dec 2011 23:28

I too have been in contact with Christian in summer and he promised an Intel version by October … so still hope.

In the meantime, what works is to run a copy of Snow Leopard within Lion using VMWare Fusion or similar. Very transparent and works well, although expensive and over the top solution.


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[ where-o-where]where-o-whereAnonymous 03 Jan 2012 22:51

Ditto what User McUser said. License it even. Do something.
Hey Mark and Jan, if you have Dr. Marck's current email address, how 'bout posting it so we can all pester him.

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[ RC]RCAnonymous 04 Jan 2012 22:12

Yes, Me too! I am screwed. My old mac died and the new one won't run rosetta. What a stupid thing!!!!!!!! Give me strider or I will retire just like Dr Marck!

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[ Scrawny Kayaker]Scrawny KayakerAnonymous 05 Jan 2012 21:13

Has anyone downgraded a new iMac to OS 10.5? I'm a little scared to do it, but I will NOT work without DNA Strider!

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[ Scrawny Kayaker]Scrawny KayakerAnonymous 12 Jan 2012 19:05

There is a program called ApE that will open Strider files and seems superficially similar that runs in Lion. I've tried it just for a few minutes; so far, so good. Anyone have deeper experience with it?

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[ Scrawny Kayaker]Scrawny KayakerAnonymous 12 Jan 2012 19:11

Oops! ApE has essentially no functions for protein sequences. So that sucks. Command-G in Strider is one of my favorite features.

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[ L Fliegel]L FliegelAnonymous 15 Jan 2012 14:56

I really need DNA strider. I have so many files and it is so good. I will not upgrade to lion until There is agood solution.

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[ David Stillman]David StillmanAnonymous 03 Feb 2012 17:03

I was a long time DNA Strider user, but a few years ago I discovered ApE (http://biologylabs.utah.edu/jorgensen/wayned/Ape/) and most of my lab has switched to ApE. There are a few things that ApE doesn't do that can be done with Strider, but it does so many things MUCH BETTER.

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[ DNA Strider Afficionado]DNA Strider AfficionadoAnonymous 09 Feb 2012 15:28

Any progress on contacting Christian Marck about a new Lion-compatible Strider yet? Thanks!!!

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[ John Wetherall]John WetherallAnonymous 14 Feb 2012 08:26

Christian Marck was very generous with charges for DNA Strider some years back when we requested a site licence for use in teaching. Many students came to learn and love Strider. CM's coding in C was very professional since so few bugs occurred and it has stood the test of time over the development of MacOSX, at least until Lion appeared.

It would be fantastic if CM either made Strider open source or updated it to Lion. Of course Apple could also make Rosetta open source or at least available as a stand alone - but I am not holding my breath.

Thanks for the website

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[ whatever]whateverAnonymous 17 Feb 2012 21:55

you could also try Enzyme X. I know it's not exactly the same, but it's pretty professional. The part I don't like is I often use the "report" feature of strider to organize my game plan. I can't find anything quite like it. Very annoying.

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