WebEx Meeting Center

Doesn't work in 10.8

Doesn't work in 10.7

WebEx Meeting Center

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

WebEx Meeting Center icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

With Cisco WebEx Meeting Center, you can meet with anyone you want – in real time, online.

Version 8.5 (WBS 27)
Developer Cisco Systems
Website http://www.webex.com/products/web-conferencing.html
Status Doesn't work

0 ratings

The following versions are working fine with the GM version of Mountain Lion. Only Mountain Lion Preview version 3 had issues. Since Preview 4 the following versions have been working very well. Joining, video, screen sharing. Not having any problems.

Page build: E
Client build:

As for Lion, 10.7.4 and 10.7.5 also appear to be working fine with this version. Although 10.7.0 through 10.7.3 had screen sharing issues where the remote hosts would get minutes behind if the presenter was on one of these Lion versions.

Some update brok 10.7.4 today for me. three different browsers. Java? yeah, trying to see if there's a fix.

Archived comments

No comments.10 comments

[ Jarrett]JarrettAnonymous 26 Jul 2012 15:31

I can't get this to work under Mountain Lion under any browser and have uninstalled and reinstalled. Am I missing something?

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[ Georg]GeorgAnonymous 26 Jul 2012 21:11

I contacted WebEx customer support today. They confirmed that the Meeting Center doesn't work with OS X Mountain Lion. They also noted that there is no date for a fix, yet.

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[ ritesh]riteshriteshraja 28 Jul 2012 16:16

Does not work on Mountain Lion. Worked fine on Lion. https://discussions.apple.com/message/19061198?ac_cid=op123456#19061198

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[ Tim]TimAnonymous 06 Aug 2012 21:00

WebEx Meeting Center seems to work if I am able to connect to the Internet without the need of a proxy. When I have to use a proxy server, it blows up. I haven't been able to find a browser/proxy-setting combination that can get around this problem yet.

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[ Alpha]AlphaAnonymous 08 Aug 2012 01:14

It mostly works for me in Mountain Lion, but Share Desktop keeps freezing for the other users, and I have to leave the meeting and join again before it allows me to share again. Had to do this about 6 times in a one hour meeting (should have been a 40 minute meeting)

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[ Rob]RobAnonymous 15 Aug 2012 14:15

I can confirm that share desktop freezes (for the viewers) with mountain lion and no proxy.

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[ Gary]GaryAnonymous 19 Aug 2012 21:14

any ideas on when webex will post an update? I had to downgrade back to Lion.

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Oliver de PeyerOliver de PeyerAnonymous 08 Oct 2012 10:54

I could at least get into Meeting Centre using Mountain Lion, but there was no videoconferencing panel and the invite attendees function gave an error message

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ ]Brian Beaudoin 05 Aug 2011 21:40

The application runs reasonably well but the functionality to record a meeting was lost with the update to Lion. I was able to view presentations, share my desktop, and use the whiteboard without issue.

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Meeting Center for Lion ScottGScottGAnonymous 18 Aug 2011 22:14

When you change presenters and they let you take control of their mouse and keyboard the app crashes.

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