[ Tomass]TomassAnonymous 16 Jul 2012 18:16
Works fine - Have camera plugged in.
Works fine in 10.8
Works fine in 10.7
I'm putting the finishing touches on the all-new RoaringApps, with support for Mavericks & iOS 7.
Try it out now and help me squash some bugs.
Created by Rolandius on 11 Mar 2011 08:08.
Last updated by bcammo on 16 Jul 2013 03:15.
Supports iCloud
Secured by Gatekeeper
Supports retina graphics
FaceTime for Mac makes it possible to talk, smile, and laugh with anyone on an iPad 2, iPhone 4, iPod touch, or another Mac from your Mac. So you can catch up, hang out, joke around, and stay in touch with just a click. And when someone tries to reach you, the call rings through on every Mac you own, even if FaceTime isn’t running. So you never have to worry about making yourself available. If you don’t want to receive calls, just turn FaceTime off in preferences.
1.1.1 | |
Apple | |
http://www.apple.com/macosx/apps | |
Works fine |
0 rating
Bundled with Lion.
Some Users cannot sign in.
[ Me]MeAnonymous 12 Mar 2011 09:43
it doesn't sign in for me. Is it working for you?
[ Aangiix3]Aangiix3(account deleted) 26 Jun 2011 11:12
Same. it does not sign in..
[ LawreanceS]LawreanceSAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 08:33
I get "The server encountered an error processing registration. Please try again later."
[ giosuebox]giosueboxAnonymous 22 Jul 2011 09:38
I have the same problem. Any fix?
[ Chris]ChrisAnonymous 22 Jul 2011 19:25
It works fine for me. I did a clean install of Lion on a blank hard drive.
[ BJB]BJBAnonymous 23 Jul 2011 22:48
The program seems to fail on all beta FaceTime versions. I have not found a fix yet, despite the clean install method that seems to work for some and not for others. I guess we wait for Apple……..shouldn't it "just work"?
[ Aangiix3]Aangiix3(account deleted) 21 Jan 2012 16:18
works fine with 1.1.1