Iron Mountain Connected Backup

Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

Iron Mountain Connected Backup

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Iron Mountain Connected Backup icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Enterprise, cross-platform backup solution

Status Works fine

0 ratings

Mountain Lion requires Gatekeeper to be set to "Allow applications downloaded from: Anywhere." After installation Gatekeeper can be set to "Mac App Store and Identified Developers" or "Mac App Store Only."

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[ ]AndrewZib 01 Aug 2012 13:58

Java must be installed for this to run on Lion and Mountain Lion.

I have tested (latest version as of August 1, 2012) and was able to install, run, and start a backup on a Mountain Lion Mac. Once the backup finishes I'll test restore.

On Mountain Lion, Gatekeeper must be set to the "Anywhere" option under "Allow Applications Downloaded from:" for the application to installed. After installation the Gatekeeper setting can be changed back to "Mac App Store and Identified developers" (Default) or "Mac App Store."

Updating status to "Some Problems" due to Gatekeeper issue, but otherwise it seems to work fine.

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[ ]AndrewZib 01 Aug 2012 14:04

Install, Backup, and Restore all worked on Mountain Lion.

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[ Lou]LouAnonymous 21 Aug 2012 22:05

Is it running the scheduled backups? I have a couple MacBooks (Lion and Mountain Lion) with installed. It seems to do manual backups and restores just fine, but does not seem to kick off any of the automatically scheduled backups.

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