
Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Dia icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Dia is roughly inspired by the commercial Windows program 'Visio,' though more geared towards informal diagrams for casual use. It can be used to draw many different kinds of diagrams. It currently has special objects to help draw entity relationship diagrams, UML diagrams, flowcharts, network diagrams, and many other diagrams. It is also possible to add support for new shapes by writing simple XML files, using a subset of SVG to draw the shape.

Version 0.97.2
Developer Open Source
Website http://dia-installer.de/download/macosx.html
Status Works fine

0 ratings

Won't start up in 10.8.1

Archived comments

No comments.3 comments

[ Eddy]EddyAnonymous 29 Jul 2012 22:02

Works in Mountain Lion with the same workaround as under Lion (see the post by Sheila on 11/11/'11).

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[http://dia-installer.de ]Steffen Macke 23 Aug 2012 21:10

Do you still need the workaround with the 0.97.2-5.dmg version?

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Lion (10.7) Comments

sheilasheilaAnonymous 11 Nov 2011 16:06

A work around seems to exist.


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