Google Earth

Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

Google Earth

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Google Earth icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Google Earth gives you a wealth of imagery and geographic information. Explore destinations like Maui and Paris, or browse content from Wikipedia, National Geographic, and more.

Developer Google
Status Works fine

0 ratings

tested on Mountain Lion 10.8.2

Archived comments

No comments.10 comments

[ Jim ]Jim **Anonymous** 03 Aug 2012 23:41

Google Earth has crashed my Mac Pro every time I use it.

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Fred LightFred LightAnonymous 09 Aug 2012 12:50

I am no longer able to make movies under Mountain Lion. Having to use the current version on another computer with Snow Leopard in order to create a movie.

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[ Mike]MikeAnonymous 11 Sep 2012 02:09

Google Earth
seems to work fine on Mt. Lion.

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[ Kerri]KerriAnonymous 23 Oct 2012 06:10

Google Earth will not open on my 2012 MacBook Pro. It worked fine at first but hasn't opened in weeks. I have tried reinstalling but this does not help.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Steve]SteveAnonymous 19 Jun 2011 12:38

Crashes when completely zooming in.

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[ CindyM]CindyMAnonymous 09 Aug 2011 04:11

According to folks at the <A href="" target="_blank">Google user forums</a>, Google Earth 6 is not working at all well with Lion.


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[ Canticleer]CanticleerAnonymous 11 Aug 2011 17:31

Sorry to hear that Steve. No crashes here on my MacBook Pro. I started Google Earth, changed nothing in the settings nor preferences, zoomed, panned, rotated… not a single problem.


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[ carlos ramirez]carlos ramirezAnonymous 15 Aug 2011 03:54

Google Earth
seems to works fine!

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[ Roger H]Roger HAnonymous 22 Aug 2011 15:22

It's not working for me either. The app loads but the map screens are blank and it won't perform a search.

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MichaelMichaelAnonymous 30 Sep 2011 17:45

Fails to save newly added .kmz files, crashing on close.

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