CuteFTP Mac

Doesn't work in 10.8

Unknown in 10.7

CuteFTP Mac

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

CuteFTP Mac icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

FTP software

Version 3.1.2
Status Doesn't work

0 ratings

Does not work. Connects to site, but cannot transfer files to host. Also, I lost my entire Site Manager list on two computers when I upgraded to Mountain Lion, so will have to set up 22 sites again (unless I switch to another program).

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GraemeGraemeAnonymous 20 Aug 2012 03:06

I haven't confirmed this for myself, but in the Globalscape forums users are reporting this does not work with 10.8:

"Does not work in 10.8, cant actually transfer files to host, also one of the transfer bars at the bottom is missing, spent hours dealing with this today. Had to download FileZilla to get things to work."

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MarkMarkAnonymous 30 Aug 2012 01:52

I received this message from Globalscape Support today:

"We’re extremely sorry for the delay. I was searching to make sure MAC 3 is fully compatible with 10.8 and I finally got an answer. It is compatible and you can use it on 10.8."

I haven't tried it yet myself though, will do later this week.

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