Bamboo Pen & Touch

Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

Bamboo Pen & Touch

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Bamboo Pen & Touch icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store
Version PenTablet_5.3.0-3
Developer Wacom
Status Works fine

0 ratings

8/21: A new driver was released and works fine:

7/8: a rep from Wacom said that they acknowledge the problem. There will be some further testing and a new version of the driver should be released.

Crashed my mac, total lockup, keyboard, lost bluetooth. had to do several shut down and reboots to get it to work.

Driver 5.2.6-3(RC) for OS X 10.7, 10.6 & 10.5
For me works fine. No problems

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[ ]Wiel van der Heijden 25 May 2012 10:46

Use the Pen & Touch tablet from Wacom.
While starting up the Mac freezes.
Only a restart and disconnecting the tables helped.
This problem is persistent since the latest update on Mountain Lion Preview 3

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yagilyagilAnonymous 26 Jul 2012 09:23

Wiel, I have the same problem. I don't think Wacom have a driver for the mountain.

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[ foppen]foppenAnonymous 28 Jul 2012 08:55

I have also the same problem. Wacom freezes the mac

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[ Jmck]JmckAnonymous 29 Jul 2012 23:17

I thought I was doing something wrong when my Mac froze a couple of times on me this weekend. Thanks for the information. i hope Bamboo fixes this problem soon.

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SteveSteveAnonymous 30 Jul 2012 15:51

My MacBook Pro was acting really weird after I plugged in the Wacom, following the Mountain Lion install.
I have a USB hub with the Bamboo and a Logitech mouse connected… the USB port which the hub was plugged in to stopped working; I unplugged the hub and plugged the mouse directly in to the USB - nothing - in "About this Mac" it still showed the hub and Bamboo as being connected. The other 2 USB ports continued working.
After trial and error, and several restarts, I found out the culprit was the Bamboo.

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PeterPeterAnonymous 31 Jul 2012 01:40

After upgrading to Mountain Lion my Wacom Bamboo Pen and Touch sometimes does not get detected, doesnt even light up and a few times made my MBPs keyboard and trackpad unresponsive - had to force restart everytime this happens which is practically daily since I upgraded.

And before the my pen and touch used to work while plugged onto a usb hub, after upgrading to Moutain Lion it stopped working completely so I had to remove the hub and now the Wacom Tablet hogs and entire USB port. The Wacom Bamboo Pen and Touch is frustrating now to use in OSX Mountain Lion.

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Ivan RaszlIvan RaszlIvan Raszl 01 Aug 2012 03:19

I can confirm that my wacom bamboo pen & touch is instable with Mnt. Lion OS X 10.8. The bamboo system prefs are broken. Waiting for the driver from Wacom….

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[ Fernanda]FernandaAnonymous 02 Aug 2012 12:31

Freezes my late 2010 Macbook Pro totally after the upgrade to Mountain Lion.
If I turn the computer on with the tablet plugged in, the keyboard and the trackpad become unresponsive, forcing me to reboot everything. And after the reboot the computer does not recognize the tablet anymore, forcing another reboot.
Hope Wacom fixes this ASAP.

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MarkusMarkusAnonymous 03 Aug 2012 10:44

My wacom bamboo pen and touch crashed my late 2009 macbook, booth usb ports are dead. After a few smc and pram reset it worked normaly.

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[ Markus]MarkusAnonymous 03 Aug 2012 14:05

Same problem… Trackpad, keyboard and Bamboo don't respond after i plug in the bamboo ;(

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Samuel SoeiroSamuel SoeiroAnonymous 04 Aug 2012 11:51

Same problem… its driving me crazy. Wacom, fix it please.

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[ Foppen]FoppenAnonymous 04 Aug 2012 18:10

Same for me. My MacBook PRO crashes

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Anshul MalhanAnshul MalhanAnonymous 05 Aug 2012 14:20

Can i join you guys in saying that my bamboo pen and touch made me doubt my macbook pro. First i thought it was my hub but then it started freezing my system without it. Wacom please release a stable driver for us! :-/

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[ Fabrizio]FabrizioAnonymous 05 Aug 2012 14:21

Hey guys, i solved the problem by doing a permission verification and then repair them in disc utility. Sorry for my english.

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[ Jonathan]JonathanAnonymous 06 Aug 2012 19:13

I'm having the same issue(s); macbook (last model before discontinuation), upgraded to 10.8; System Preferences crashes, I have to manually shut down.

The Adobe Tech sent me this:
Hello Jonathan,

Thank you for writing in! Sorry to hear about the issues with the driver. I would like to have you follow the instructions listed below to update the driver - once you have complete the instructions, please test your tablet and pen and let me know how it is working. Thanks

Open your Applications folder and locate any Bamboo or Pen Tablet folders you have
Use the Utility in each of these folders and click 'Remove' under 'Tablet Software'
Once the software is removed, restart the computer
After restarting, repair your hard disk permissions using your Disk Utility (in your Utilities folder)
Once this is complete, download and install the latest 5.2.6-3(RC) driver from:

Avoid using USB hubs, keyboard/monitor ports, or docking stations with the tablets, as they can cause inconsistent behavior.

IT DIDN'T WORK: Actually, it only worked once but once I unplug and and replug the tablet, it won't work, or once I restart, it freezes. After this glitch, the USB port is dead and won't read anything.

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[ Jonathan]JonathanAnonymous 06 Aug 2012 23:30

I tried using another USB port; this time, my keyboard froze completely. I'm going to link this thread to the Wacom rep who is helping me in the hopes he can understand it's not an isolated incident.

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[ Christi]ChristiAnonymous 07 Aug 2012 12:40

I'm so glad that it's not only me! since upgrading to mountain lion and even before that (lion) my wacom crashes my system preferences and doesn't work. I have to force shut down everytime:/

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[ Fernanda]FernandaAnonymous 07 Aug 2012 12:47

Jonathan, I've been sending this thread to at least 4 different tech supports and none of them replied me yet - until yesterday! :)

I got a reply on the Wacom forums:

Their solution of plugging the tablet before turning on the Mac does indeed work, but I hope is temporary since sometimes I need to unplug the tablet from my Macbook to move it around and later plug back in.

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[ Fernanda]FernandaAnonymous 07 Aug 2012 16:17

A rep from Wacom is helping me and providing some useful info on the Wacom forums:

He says they are acknowledging the problem, are going to test it further and that there's a driver update planned.

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[ Fernanda]FernandaAnonymous 21 Aug 2012 17:08

A new driver was released and works fine:

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[ marthinus]marthinusAnonymous 30 Aug 2012 15:52

The most frustrating thing, tried everything that was suggested here, Wacom support gave me exactly same advise and yet my Wacom Bamboo and touch will not work, it will not even install (verify fail) the driver, this is the most disappointing and frustrating thing. Would have thought Wacom would have its ducks in a row

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[ marthinus]marthinusAnonymous 31 Aug 2012 14:53

So all not fine with the Wacom Bamboo Pen and Touch received this from their customer support:

We are working on a new driver version that will allow to get rid of such disturbance with Mac OS 10.8.

You unfortunately are not the only customer concerned by this driver malfunction.

Actually, when our developers produced the latest driver for Mountain Lion, tests had been run with all our recent tablet models and, at the time, no signifiant errors have been detected.

However, feedbacks like yours informed us that this driver version sometimes fails to react.

Then I fear that we have to wait for the next driver version that should be available next month.

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[ Lovemachine]LovemachineAnonymous 08 Sep 2012 06:25

the fix works but not for long.
the driver sometimes crashes. requiring a restart.

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LaurenLaurenAnonymous 02 Oct 2012 23:13

I am having trouble with my Pen and Touch. It was working perfectly fine until I upgraded my Mac to 10.7.5. After that my Mac wouldn't acknowledge that I was using the pen but when I used the touch it was fine.

I went on Wacom's website and they said when I upgrade I have to uninstall then reinstall.

I uninstalled my tablet but now I can't get it reinstalled. It keeps freezing when it gets to "Running Package Scripts". I have to force quit the installation. When I try to eject the disc it won't let me saying that another user is using the disc. I try to switch users but my Mac freezes up on a white screen. It takes several times of pushing the power button to get it to turn off.

Does anyone know what the issue might be? If you have an answer contact me on my website

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[ Taylor]TaylorAnonymous 15 Oct 2012 06:25

I ran into the same problem at the package scripts and had to force quit the installer. During a reboot it froze on the light gray screen as well, and I had to manually power it off. Once it was back on I deleted all the wacom driver files I could find on my machine - the partial installation from the last attempt, as well as everything that came up in a spotlight search for "wacom" and "bamboo". To open the file location in the spotlight menu rather than the file itself (so you can move the files to the trash), hold command and option when you click. Empty the trash and retry the installation. That worked for me - hope it helps!

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[ Gabby Dem]Gabby DemAnonymous 16 Nov 2012 00:13

When i hook my Bamboo touch and pen up to my Dell laptop it recognizes that the pen is there but when i try to use it on paint or try to use it to click on anything it jumps around and wont work. Please help?

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[ Daisy]DaisyAnonymous 25 Nov 2012 12:40

This issue is a pain in the butt.
Im currently uninstalling and reinstalling the software, to see what happens. But after that, i will try the plugging the tablet in before turning my mac on.
Bookmarked this page, hoping to hear some updates

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[ Ecila]EcilaAnonymous 27 Nov 2012 02:28

I've been having this problem too. I'm glad that it doesn't seem to be a virus.
My Bamboo made my Macbook Pro freeze up 3 times in the past weekend (the trackpad becomes unresponsive), and I've had to force quit each time. Luckily, I haven't had the problem with my USB drives not working.

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[ Lee]LeeAnonymous 28 Nov 2012 04:32

I too have had this issue. I have to install the bamboo utility every day sometimes. I start with the table always plugged in to the right side usb port of my retina mb pro. The left side seems to not respond at all to the table sometimes. As soon as I run the installer, the tablet works fine. Sometimes it will be fine for a few days, other times I reinstall the driver daily. It's been like this for months. I'm just about to try installing the driver version: DRIVER 5.30-3 RC FOR MAC OS 10.6, 10.7 AND 10.8. I will post reactions…

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[ Lee]LeeAnonymous 28 Nov 2012 05:40

The driver I mentioned created a new problem in Illustrator and Fontlab. I would call it ghost clicking, maybe. It seems to happen primarily when the pen is slightly lifted from the tablet surface, it would switch layers, and move some items, in Fontlab it was switching between glyph windows without me keying anything. Is anyone else seeing anything like this? I went back to driver 5-1.2.6-5 since at least the tablet operation is stable.

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PhilipPhilipAnonymous 09 Dec 2012 14:53

installed my new CTH 470 but am unable to map the tablet because my "apps" folder is empty.

Have tried re-installing but folder is still empty

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