[ scott]scottAnonymous 25 Jul 2012 15:33
crashes on launch of safari when the extension is installed. i have a ticket open with them currently.
Works fine in 10.8
Works fine in 10.7
I'm putting the finishing touches on the all-new RoaringApps, with support for Mavericks & iOS 7.
Try it out now and help me squash some bugs.
Created by blueicee414 on 24 Feb 2011 18:29.
Last updated by Martin Flikkeshaug on 07 Oct 2013 23:31.
Supports iCloud
Secured by Gatekeeper
Supports retina graphics
1Password can create strong, unique passwords for you, remember them, and restore them, all directly in your web browser.
3.8.20 (direct) or 3.9.6 (MAS) | |
Agile Web Solutions | |
http://agilebits.com/products/1Password/Mac | |
Works fine |
0 rating
Mountain Lion: Fully working. Retina graphics supported. http://blog.agilebits.com/2012/07/25/1password-for-mac-is-ready-for-mountain-lion-gatekeeper-and-retina-oh-my/
Lion: The application works great in Lion. It is even available from the Mac App Store as a Lion-only version. An update was recently issued (July 17th, 2012) which adds support for Retina graphics.
[ scott]scottAnonymous 25 Jul 2012 15:33
crashes on launch of safari when the extension is installed. i have a ticket open with them currently.
Khad YoungKhad YoungAnonymous 25 Jul 2012 18:01
Hey Scott, we are seeing a new Apple bug that is crashing Safari under certain circumstances. We're still tracking it down, but more than 99% of users are unaffected. We'll continue to work with you via the support ticket where we have been communicating with you multiple times a day. Thanks for reporting this to us first, and thanks for sharing your experience here on RoaringApps.
Khad Young
Forum Choreographer, AgileBits
[ citizenbfk]citizenbfkAnonymous 25 Jul 2012 20:00
Haven't installed Mountain Lion yet, but after getting the new Safari today, (6.0), iPassword did not work BUT all I had to do was update it to version 3.8.2 and now working okay. Version 3.8.2 was Published 2012-07-17, last week, and appears to be the latest version when buying direct from 1Passwords.
I Don't know anything about a version 3.9.6 but perhaps that is the version number if purchased from the Apple App Store (!?)
Khad YoungKhad YoungAnonymous 26 Jul 2012 01:59
You are correct, citizenbfk. 1Password 3.9.6 is the latest version available on the Mac App Store. It is essentially identical to the version you are using except that it complies (for about a year now) with Apple's sandboxing guidelines. We were way ahead of the curve on this, and it has turned out very well for our users. :)
I do want to point out that 1Password *3.8.2* is a very old version — eighteen versions old to be precise. I'm assuming you meant 3.8.20 which was indeed released last week and works great with Lion and Mountain Lion. I just wanted to clarify for anyone else reading this.
Khad Young
Forum Choreographer, AgileBits
Khad YoungKhad YoungAnonymous 27 Jul 2012 20:08
Just to follow up on what Scott wrote above, we were disheartened to learn that in rare cases Safari 6 was constantly crashing for some of our awesome customers. In our investigation so far, we have found this to be a bug in OS X related to proxy settings in Mountain Lion. This affects the 1Password extension due to the method we use to connect to the 1Password Helper from the Safari extension.
To quickly resolve this crashing issue, UNCHECK the “Auto Proxy Discovery” option in System Preferences > Network > Advanced > Proxies.
For more detailed instructions (with screenshots) as well as some geeky details, please see our support article for this issue:
If we can be of further assistance, please let us know via our support page. We are always here to help!
Khad Young
Forum Choreographer, AgileBits
[ mahdi20]mahdi20Anonymous 20 Aug 2012 11:22
Khad YoungKhad YoungAnonymous 25 Aug 2012 02:58
Last update (hopefully). :)
Apple has released the 10.8.1 update which fixes the proxy bug. Please be sure to update if you're still having any trouble.
[ Emmanuel]EmmanuelAnonymous 14 Sep 2012 13:38
1Password 3.8.20 and Mountain Lion 10.8.1, Safari 6.0 : the 1Password extension doens't work properly in Safari (OK in Firefox 15.0.1).
Clicking on the extension button in Safari, then entering the master password generate a "connecting…" message.
No luck either with the last beta extension available.
1Password application is working properly.
Khad YoungKhad YoungAnonymous 18 Sep 2012 07:41
Hey Emmanuel,
I'm sorry that you are having some trouble. It sounds like a configuration issue on your system as 1Password is working well in Mountain Lion with the latest version of Safari. We'd love to resolve this for you if you contact us directly. Please generate a Diagnostics Report:
And then attach the report to an email to us:
support @ agilebits.com
We'll get you back up and running in no time. :)
Khad Young
Social Choreographer, AgileBits
Mike AndersonMike AndersonAnonymous 27 Feb 2011 03:37
When you click the password in a username/password listing, the password is copied, but a error message comes up, though this doesn't happen all the time.
[ LineNoise]LineNoiseAnonymous 28 Feb 2011 11:18
Safari plug-in isn't compatible with Safari 5.1
Haven't had any other issues thus far though.
@Mike Anderson: Mike, have you already reported the error to us? We'd love to be able to resolve these issues in our own betas as Lion approaches GM. You can always contact us at http://agilewebsolutions.com/contact_us
Gita Lal
Happiness Engineer
Agile Web Solutions
Mike AndersonMike AndersonAnonymous 06 Mar 2011 15:34
Hi Gita
Looks like you've resolved the problem in the latest build - 3.5.8 (30881). No longer any problems. Glad you're looking at the site.
[ mic]micAnonymous 08 Mar 2011 23:07
yes, latest, 3.5.8 (30881) working here too. could someone please change the app status to Working? thanx
[ Andi]AndiAnonymous 21 Mar 2011 14:27
If you do not need Safari 5.1 you can start the recent 10.6 version of Safari within 10.7.
[ Macterryh]MacterryhAnonymous 19 Apr 2011 14:47
After The DP 2 Update Last Week, & The 3.6.0 Beta-15 Update; 1Password Is Now Completely Broken. It Crashes On Start Up.
[ Macterryh]MacterryhAnonymous 23 Apr 2011 13:51
The New 1Password Beta 3.6.0-17 Fixes The Crashing Problem On The Updated Lion DP2 , Thanks
[ Chris M]Chris MCautionESPN 23 Apr 2011 14:38
The 1Password Safari extension still does not work in Lion as of 3.6.0-BETA17
[ Yves]YvesAnonymous 03 May 2011 22:18
Last BETA of 1password now works fine with safari in Lion
[ Guru]GuruAnonymous 05 May 2011 00:45
3.6.0.BETA-26 (Build 31026) works time on Lion Developer Preview, Update 2
Works on Safari without any tweaking.
[ yannis]yannisAnonymous 10 May 2011 14:27
thanks Guru!
[ tholstro]tholstroAnonymous 16 May 2011 20:10
Appears to have been broken with this weekends Build 11A459e…
Khad YoungKhad YoungAnonymous 03 Jun 2011 00:01
Please don't forget to "Include Beta versions" (Preferences > Updates) for Lion support. Lion is not currently supported in the latest stable version. Everything should be working if you are running the latest versions of both Lion and 1Password betas, though.
If you run into any trouble, we would love your feedback via email (moc.stibeliga|troppus#moc.stibeliga|troppus) or in our forums:
Khad Young
AgileBits Gladmaker
[ Rob]RobAnonymous 05 Jul 2011 03:28
Running 3.6.1 of 1Password (using extension 3.6.5 Beta 23) and while it works, it's still very buggy. Issues have been passed to the 1Password team via their support site and I'm glad they're very active to get a stable version for 10.7 but IMO I'd say it's still far from the "works fine" status posted here.
Pierre BernardPierre BernardAnonymous 16 Jul 2011 10:39
1Password 3.6.1 works fine here with the Lion GM
[ Carlos Manuel Augusto]Carlos Manuel AugustoAnonymous 22 Jul 2011 23:28
1Password 3.6.1 works fine for me too. I haven't found any issues running Lion and I'm sure that most users won't do neither. I think that "some problems" status is rather unfair and confusing.
[ Mike]MikeAnonymous 23 Jul 2011 01:56
Actually, I think "some problems" is an understatement.
The application's team is, very definitely, hard at work, but at current (with most recent beta for both app and extension) neither works. Visit their forum.
[ Stan]StanAnonymous 23 Jul 2011 02:51
1Password DOES NOT load IDs and Passwords on my 2007 24" MAC using version 3.6.1.
Marc EdwardsMarc EdwardsAnonymous 24 Jul 2011 06:38
No issues here with Lion (10.7.0) and 1Password version 3.6.1, the 3.6.5.BETA-27 Safari Extension and Safari 5.1.
The new Safari Extension is a bit different, but still doing everything I used the old one for. Even happier now that I’m using Command- to open the 1Password window.
[ AKMacAddict]AKMacAddictAKMacAddict 29 Jul 2011 20:47
The only issue encountered after migration from 17" MBP to a new MBA was that the automatic upgrade failed after repeated attempts. Had to go the Agile web site, download version 3.6.5 and 'install' manually. Everything works fine so far. :)
[ Angel V]Angel VAnonymous 01 Aug 2011 09:42
Version 2.12.1 works fine =D
Kellie D. MorgantiniKellie D. MorgantiniAnonymous 31 Aug 2011 23:59
I'm running 1Password on MacBook Pro 15" with LION, updated to Version 3.8.3.BETA-2 (build 31125) of 1password just today.
1Password is still crashing everytime I try to open it. Have not found any help on AgileBits site in the forum, and they've shut down email assistance. Anyone have any suggestions?
I really like 1Password, but I don't have time to attempt to fix it multiple times a day, and may have to move to something else (if there is anything). Hope the agilebits folks are reading this discussion and can supply a fix.
Kellie D. Morgantini
Kellie D. Morgantini
Executive Director, Attorney
Legal Services for Seniors
915 Hilby Avenue, Suite 2
Seaside, California 93955
Tel. 831.899.0492 ~ Fax. 831.401.3185
Khad YoungKhad YoungAnonymous 09 Sep 2011 03:47
Hey Kellie,
I'm sorry that you are having some trouble. I searched the forums and our inbox for posts and emails from you, but I was unable to find one based on the email address associated with your license. We provide the our support in our own forums and via email (moc.stibeliga|troppus#moc.stibeliga|troppus), but we are always available to help no matter where you post. :-)
If you are still having trouble after updating to the latest version, please shoot us an email or stop by the forums where we would be happy to get everything squared away.
Offhand, I don't think I know of any reports like this with the latest version, so I am especially keen on getting this worked out for you.
Khad Young
Forum Choreographer, AgileBits