
Some problems in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

LazyMouse icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Handy snap-to-OK-button preference pane.

Version 2.5
Status Some problems

0 ratings

It keeps getting turned off after a full power down. Through a sleep cycle it's ok.

Archived comments

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[ sbt]sbtAnonymous 01 Aug 2012 05:26

experiencing exact same problem here. prefs not holding after restart. LazyMouse defaults to OFF. I can turn on from prefpane and it works like normal. But after restarting the system LazyMouse is off and can only be manually started from prefpane. Perhaps the immediate workaround is an applescript or automator workflow?

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DJayDJayAnonymous 03 Aug 2012 10:03

same here. :( like that app.
but unfortunately it looks like the app is no longer under development and we will not see an update.
meanwhile I use SteerMouse.

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[ sbt]sbtAnonymous 04 Aug 2012 17:38

There's an applescript for that! I just wrote it.

put this in the applescript editor and save as an app…then in system prefs ad the app to your user account startup items:

tell application "System Preferences"
end tell

tell application "System Events"
tell process "System Preferences"
click menu item "LazyMouse" of menu "View" of menu bar 1
delay 0
tell window "LazyMouse"
click checkbox 2 of group 1
delay 0
end tell
end tell
end tell

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[ sbt]sbtAnonymous 05 Aug 2012 00:33

update to above script (to automatically quit system prefs after the toggle)

tell application "System Preferences"
end tell

tell application "System Events"
tell process "System Preferences"
click menu item "LazyMouse" of menu "View" of menu bar 1
delay 0
tell window "LazyMouse"
click checkbox 2 of group 1
delay 0
end tell
end tell
end tell

tell application "System Preferences"
end tell

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[ stickman67]stickman67Anonymous 18 Aug 2012 22:42

Thanks, sbt! Works like a charm!

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[ DJay]DJayAnonymous 25 Aug 2012 19:52

Hey.. I found your comment..
Thanks for that.
unfortunately I got a script error message.
Sorry.. Its in german. And I have now Idea how to read the script and what it means.

„System Events“ hat einen Fehler erhalten: „menu "View" of menu bar 1 of process "System Preferences"“ kann nicht gelesen werden.

Thanks in advance for your help

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[ DJay]DJayAnonymous 26 Aug 2012 15:54

Got help in German Forum.
That script works very well.

Anyways.. thanks for the help.

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[ amir05]amir05Anonymous 24 Nov 2012 12:43

i love lazy mouse !
thanks for the script , it's working !

does anyone know of an alternative - another app or script altogether?


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