Nook for Mac

Some problems in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

Nook for Mac

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Nook for Mac icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store
Version 3.0.0fc9774
Status Some problems

0 ratings

Application starts but stops at the logo screen. It doesn't hang, because you can quit from the Nook for Mac menu.

Fix: Right click-back, right click again-forward. It should load then.

Bugs: Sometimes refuses to quit.

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[ Phill]PhillAnonymous 01 Aug 2012 20:46

I was having the same problem … but found a fix. when you see the logo screen hold down the 'control' key and click on the screen. You will see a couple of menu choices, select reload. Do this a couple of times and your Nook for the Mac app should reset.

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[ Alan]Alanalan_daniel 23 Aug 2012 02:22

@Phill Thanks for that! It took me ~10 "reloads" before it worked. Strange!

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[ ]Rubi08 14 Sep 2012 04:20

Right click > select Back > right click > select Forward on the application window loads it right away for me. Then use Apple > Force Quit to quit the application.

The best thing about the Nook is that you can use it on just about every device.

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[ Bart_B]Bart_BAnonymous 27 Sep 2012 01:15

The Nook for Mac webpage now (9/26) carries a tiny disclaimer at the bottom that reads "At this time, NOOK for Mac is not compatible with OS X Mountain Lion."

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[ Corey]CoreyAnonymous 08 Oct 2012 02:18

Try downloading Nook Study, it works the same as Nook without the problems.

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[]dgatwood@mac.comAnonymous 24 Nov 2012 21:06

This failure is not Mountain-Lion-specific. It loaded nondeterministically only about one time out of every four or five times for me even way back on Snow Leopard. Nice to finally find a workaround that actually works.

Also, if you're on a case-sensitive volume, you'll need to add a symlink:

cd /Applications/
ln -s Product.js product.js

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