Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

CRAX icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

An efficient dual-pane file manager that enables you to browse your drive's content in an organized environment via intuitive actions

Crax is a great file managing application that is sporting a dual-pane interface design, the possibility to open multiple tabs for both local and remote folders and much more.

Crax comes with built in support for different protocols, such as SSH, FTP, SFTP, AFP or SMB. The included search tool will help you find specific files by taking into account the size, modification date, file name or content.

Crax includes Quick Look and Terminal integration and also provides support for drag and drop actions or keyboard shortcuts. You will be able to toggle the visibility of your system files or edit text files via the built in text file viewer/editor which also comes packed with syntax coloring capabilities (HTML, Objective-C, Python, CSS-1 and SQL).

Furthermore, Crax offers support for Subversion 1.6 and is able to process ZIP archives as file system folders. The files can be filtered by simply pressing on the panel header and most workflows are quite intuitive.

Bottom line, Crax provides a plethora of tools that will help you manage your files and folders while taking advantage of the dual-pane interface design.

Version 1.1.56
Status Works fine

1 ratings

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